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Serve Static for Deno.
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import { contentType, fromFileUrl, join } from "./src/deps.ts";import { staticFetch } from "./src/fetch.ts";import { AnyReq, NextFunction, TOptions } from "./src/types.ts";
function parseurl(req: AnyReq): any { let str: any = req.url, url = req._parsedUrl; if (url && url._raw === str) return url; let pathname = str, query = null, search = null, i = 0, len = str.length; while (i < len) { if (str.charCodeAt(i) === 0x3f) { pathname = str.substring(0, i); query = str.substring(i + 1); search = str.substring(i); break; } i++; } url = {}; url.path = url._raw = url.href = str; url.pathname = pathname; url.query = query; = search; return (req._parsedUrl = url);}
function _next(req: AnyReq, res: any, err?: any) { let body = err ? (err.stack || "Something went wrong") : `File or directory ${req.url} not found`; let status = err ? (err.status || err.code || err.statusCode || 500) : 404; if (typeof status !== "number") status = 500; req.respond({ status, body });}
async function existStat(filename: string) { try { let stats: Deno.FileInfo = await Deno.stat(filename); return stats; } catch (error) { return null; }}
function headersEncoding( headers: Headers, name: string, pathFile: string, num: number,) { headers.set("Content-Encoding", name); headers.set("Content-Type", contentType(pathFile.substring(0, num)) || "");}
async function sendFile( pathFile: string, opts: TOptions, req: AnyReq, res: any, next: NextFunction,) { let isDirectory = pathFile.slice((pathFile.lastIndexOf(".") - 1 >>> 0) + 2) === ""; let stats; if (opts.dotfiles === false) { let idx = req.url.indexOf("/."); if (idx !== -1) { if (!opts.fallthrough) { return next(new Error(`File or directory ${req.url} not found`)); } return next(); } } else { let exist = await existStat(pathFile); if (exist) { isDirectory = exist.isDirectory; if (exist.isFile) stats = exist; } else { isDirectory = false; } } if (isDirectory) { if (opts.redirect === true) { if (pathFile.lastIndexOf("/") === -1) pathFile += "/"; pathFile += opts.index; } } if (stats === void 0) { stats = await Deno.stat(pathFile); } let status = 200; const headers = new Headers(); if (opts.setHeaders !== void 0) { opts.setHeaders(headers, pathFile, stats); } headers.set( "Content-Type", headers.get("Content-Type") || (contentType(pathFile.replace("/", "\\")) || "application/octet-stream"), ); if (opts.gzip || opts.brotli) { headers.set("Vary", "Accept-Encoding"); let xgz = pathFile.lastIndexOf(".gz"); let xbr = pathFile.lastIndexOf(".br"); if (xgz !== -1) headersEncoding(headers, "gzip", pathFile, xgz); if (xbr !== -1) headersEncoding(headers, "br", pathFile, xbr); } if (opts.lastModified === true && stats.mtime) { headers.set("Last-Modified", stats.mtime.toUTCString()); } if (opts.acceptRanges === true) { headers.set("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"); } if (req.headers.get("range")) { status = 206; let start = opts.start || 0; let end = opts.end || stats.size - 1; if (start >= stats.size || end >= stats.size) { headers.set("Content-Range", `bytes */${stats.size}`); return req.respond({ status: 416, body: "", headers }); } headers.set("Content-Range", `bytes ${start}-${end}/${stats.size}`); headers.set("Content-Length", (end - start + 1).toString()); // force accept-ranges headers.set("Accept-Ranges", headers.get("Accept-Ranges") || "bytes"); } if (opts.cacheControl === true) { let _cache = `public, max-age=${opts.maxAge}`; if (opts.immutable === true) _cache += ", immutable"; headers.set("Cache-Control", _cache); } if (opts.etag === true) { headers.set("ETag", `W/"${stats.size}-${stats.mtime?.getTime()}"`); if (req.headers.get("if-none-match") === headers.get("ETag")) { return req.respond({ status: 304 }); } } const body = await Deno.readFile(pathFile); return req.respond({ status, body, headers });}
function fromExtensions(req: AnyReq, opts: TOptions) { if (opts.extensions === void 0) return null; let exts = opts.extensions; let gzips = opts.gzip && => `${x}.gz`).concat("gz"); let brots = opts.brotli && => `${x}.br`).concat("br"); let newExts = [""]; let enc = req.headers.get("accept-encoding") || ""; if (gzips && enc.includes("gzip")) newExts.unshift(...gzips); if (brots && /(br|brotli)/i.test(enc)) newExts.unshift(...brots); newExts.push(...exts); return newExts;}
export default function staticFiles(root: string = "", opts: TOptions = {}) { if (typeof root !== "string") { throw new TypeError("root path must be a string"); } opts.index = opts.index || "index.html"; opts.maxAge = opts.maxAge || 0; // true default opts.fallthrough = opts.fallthrough !== false; opts.etag = opts.etag !== false; opts.acceptRanges = opts.acceptRanges !== false; opts.lastModified = opts.lastModified !== false; opts.redirect = opts.redirect !== false; // false default opts.dotfiles = !!opts.dotfiles; opts.fetch = !!opts.fetch; opts.immutable = !!opts.immutable; opts.brotli = !!opts.brotli; opts.gzip = !!opts.gzip; opts.cacheControl = !!opts.cacheControl; if (opts.setHeaders && typeof opts.setHeaders !== "function") { throw new TypeError("option setHeaders must be function"); } if (opts.fetch) return staticFetch(root, opts); const rootPath = root.startsWith("file:") ? fromFileUrl(root) : root; return async function (req: AnyReq, ...args: any) { let res = args[0]; let next = args[1] || args[0] || ((err?: any) => _next(req, res, err)); if (req.request) { if (req.request.serverRequest) { req = req.request?.serverRequest; } else if (req.respondWith) { req.method = req.request.method; req.headers = req.request.headers; req.respond = ({ body, headers, status }: any) => req.respondWith(new Response(body, { status, headers })); } } if (req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") { if (opts.fallthrough) return next(); const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("Allow", "GET, HEAD"); headers.set("Content-Length", "0"); return req.respond({ status: 405, body: "", headers }); } let path = parseurl(req).pathname; if (path === "/") path = ""; let pathFile: string = decodeURIComponent(join(rootPath, path)); try { await sendFile(pathFile, opts, req, res, next); } catch (err) { let exts = fromExtensions(req, opts); if (exts) { let stats: any, i = 0, len = exts.length; for (; i < len; i++) { const ext = exts[i]; const newPathFile = pathFile + "." + ext; stats = await existStat(newPathFile); if (stats !== null) { stats.pathFile = newPathFile; break; } } if (stats && stats.pathFile) { try { await sendFile(stats.pathFile, opts, req, res, next); return; } catch (_err) { if (!opts.fallthrough) return next(_err); return next(); } } } if (!opts.fallthrough) return next(err); return next(); } };}