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Serve Static for Deno.
import { fromFileUrl, join } from "./src/deps.ts";import { AnyReq, TOptions } from "./src/types.ts";import { _next, existStat, fromExtensions, modRequest, withSendFile as sendFile,} from "./src/utils.ts";
export default function staticFiles(root: string = "", opts: TOptions = {}) { if (typeof root !== "string") { throw new TypeError("root path must be a string"); } if (root[0] === "/") { root = root.substring(1); } opts.index = opts.index || "index.html"; opts.maxAge = opts.maxAge || 0; // true default opts.fallthrough = opts.fallthrough !== false; opts.etag = opts.etag !== false; opts.acceptRanges = opts.acceptRanges !== false; opts.lastModified = opts.lastModified !== false; opts.redirect = opts.redirect !== false; // false default opts.dotfiles = !!opts.dotfiles; opts.immutable = !!opts.immutable; opts.brotli = !!opts.brotli; opts.gzip = !!opts.gzip; opts.cacheControl = !!opts.cacheControl; if (opts.setHeaders && typeof opts.setHeaders !== "function") { throw new TypeError("option setHeaders must be function"); } const rootPath = root.startsWith("file:") ? fromFileUrl(root) : root; return async function (req: AnyReq, ...args: any) { modRequest(req); const res = args[0]; const next = args[1] || args[0] || ((err?: any) => _next(req, res, err)); if (opts.prefix) { if (req.url.includes(opts.prefix)) { req.url = req.url.substring(opts.prefix.length); } else { return next(); } } if (req.method && req.method !== "GET" && req.method !== "HEAD") { if (opts.fallthrough) return next(); const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("Allow", "GET, HEAD"); headers.set("Content-Length", "0"); return req.__respond({ status: 405, body: "", headers }); } let path = req.path || (req.url || "").split("?")[0]; if (path === "/") path = ""; let pathFile: string = decodeURIComponent(join(rootPath, path)); try { const _body = await sendFile(pathFile, opts, req, res, next); return _body; } catch (err) { let exts = fromExtensions(req, opts); if (exts) { let stats: any, i = 0, len = exts.length; for (; i < len; i++) { const ext = exts[i]; const newPathFile = pathFile + "." + ext; stats = await existStat(newPathFile); if (stats !== null) { stats.pathFile = newPathFile; break; } } if (stats && stats.pathFile) { try { const _body = await sendFile(stats.pathFile, opts, req, res, next); return _body; } catch (_err) { if (!opts.fallthrough) return next(_err); return next(); } } } if (!opts.fallthrough) return next(err); return next(); } };}