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Deno standard library
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import { existsSync } from "../../fs/exists.ts";import { fromFileUrl } from "../path.ts";import { getOpenOptions } from "./_fs_common.ts";
type openFlags = | "a" | "ax" | "a+" | "ax+" | "as" | "as+" | "r" | "r+" | "rs+" | "w" | "wx" | "w+" | "wx+";
type openCallback = (err: Error | null, fd: number) => void;
function convertFlagAndModeToOptions( flag?: openFlags, mode?: number,): Deno.OpenOptions | undefined { if (!flag && !mode) return undefined; if (!flag && mode) return { mode }; return { ...getOpenOptions(flag), mode };}
export function open(path: string | URL, callback: openCallback): void;export function open( path: string | URL, flags: openFlags, callback: openCallback,): void;export function open( path: string | URL, flags: openFlags, mode: number, callback: openCallback,): void;export function open( path: string | URL, flagsOrCallback: openCallback | openFlags, callbackOrMode?: openCallback | number, maybeCallback?: openCallback,) { const flags = typeof flagsOrCallback === "string" ? flagsOrCallback : undefined; const callback = typeof flagsOrCallback === "function" ? flagsOrCallback : typeof callbackOrMode === "function" ? callbackOrMode : maybeCallback; const mode = typeof callbackOrMode === "number" ? callbackOrMode : undefined; path = path instanceof URL ? fromFileUrl(path) : path;
if (!callback) throw new Error("No callback function supplied");
if (["ax", "ax+", "wx", "wx+"].includes(flags || "") && existsSync(path)) { const err = new Error(`EEXIST: file already exists, open '${path}'`); (callback as (err: Error) => void)(err); } else { if (flags === "as" || flags === "as+") { let err: Error | null = null, res: number; try { res = openSync(path, flags, mode); } catch (error) { err = error; } if (err) { (callback as (err: Error) => void)(err); } else { callback(null, res!); } return; }, convertFlagAndModeToOptions(flags, mode)).then( (file) => callback(null, file.rid), (err) => (callback as (err: Error) => void)(err), ); }}
export function openSync(path: string | URL): number;export function openSync(path: string | URL, flags?: openFlags): number;export function openSync(path: string | URL, mode?: number): number;export function openSync( path: string | URL, flags?: openFlags, mode?: number,): number;export function openSync( path: string | URL, flagsOrMode?: openFlags | number, maybeMode?: number,) { const flags = typeof flagsOrMode === "string" ? flagsOrMode : undefined; const mode = typeof flagsOrMode === "number" ? flagsOrMode : maybeMode; path = path instanceof URL ? fromFileUrl(path) : path;
if (["ax", "ax+", "wx", "wx+"].includes(flags || "") && existsSync(path)) { throw new Error(`EEXIST: file already exists, open '${path}'`); }
return Deno.openSync(path, convertFlagAndModeToOptions(flags, mode)).rid;}