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Deno standard library
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// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
import { concat } from "../bytes/concat.ts";import { DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE } from "./_constants.ts";import type { Reader, ReaderSync } from "./types.ts";
/** * Read {@linkcode Reader} `r` until EOF (`null`) and resolve to the content as * {@linkcode Uint8Array}. * * @example * ```ts * import { readAll } from "$STD_VERSION/io/read_all.ts"; * * // Example from stdin * const stdinContent = await readAll(Deno.stdin); * * // Example from file * using file = await"my_file.txt", {read: true}); * const myFileContent = await readAll(file); * ``` */export async function readAll(reader: Reader): Promise<Uint8Array> { const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; while (true) { let chunk = new Uint8Array(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); const n = await; if (n === null) { break; } if (n < DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) { chunk = chunk.subarray(0, n); } chunks.push(chunk); } return concat(chunks);}
/** * Synchronously reads {@linkcode ReaderSync} `r` until EOF (`null`) and returns * the content as {@linkcode Uint8Array}. * * @example * ```ts * import { readAllSync } from "$STD_VERSION/io/read_all.ts"; * * // Example from stdin * const stdinContent = readAllSync(Deno.stdin); * * // Example from file * using file = Deno.openSync("my_file.txt", {read: true}); * const myFileContent = readAllSync(file); * ``` */export function readAllSync(reader: ReaderSync): Uint8Array { const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; while (true) { const chunk = new Uint8Array(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); const n = reader.readSync(chunk); if (n === null) { break; } if (n < DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) { chunks.push(chunk.subarray(0, n)); break; } chunks.push(chunk); } return concat(chunks);}