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The Deno Standard Library
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.// This module is browser compatible.
/** Options for {@linkcode joinToString}. */export type JoinToStringOptions = { separator?: string; prefix?: string; suffix?: string; limit?: number; truncated?: string;};
/** * Transforms the elements in the given array to strings using the given * selector. Joins the produced strings into one using the given `separator` * and applying the given `prefix` and `suffix` to the whole string afterwards. * If the array could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of `limit`, * in which case only the first `limit` elements will be appended, followed by * the `truncated` string. Returns the resulting string. * * @example * ```ts * import { joinToString } from "$STD_VERSION/collections/join_to_string.ts"; * import { assertEquals } from "$STD_VERSION/assert/assert_equals.ts"; * * const users = [ * { name: "Kim" }, * { name: "Anna" }, * { name: "Tim" }, * ]; * * const message = joinToString(users, (it) =>, { * suffix: " are winners", * prefix: "result: ", * separator: " and ", * limit: 1, * truncated: "others", * }); * * assertEquals(message, "result: Kim and others are winners"); * ``` */export function joinToString<T>( array: Iterable<T>, selector: (el: T) => string, { separator = ",", prefix = "", suffix = "", limit = -1, truncated = "...", }: Readonly<JoinToStringOptions> = {},): string { let result = "";
let index = -1; for (const el of array) { index++;
if (index > 0) { result += separator; }
if (limit > -1 && index >= limit) { result += truncated; break; }
result += selector(el); }
result = prefix + result + suffix;
return result;}