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The Deno Standard Library
The Standard Library has been moved to JSR. See the blog post for details.
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { basename } from "../path/basename.ts";import { join } from "../path/join.ts";import { resolve } from "../path/resolve.ts";import { ensureDir, ensureDirSync } from "./ensure_dir.ts";import { assert } from "../assert/assert.ts";import { getFileInfoType } from "./_get_file_info_type.ts";import { toPathString } from "./_to_path_string.ts";import { isSubdir } from "./_is_subdir.ts";
const isWindows = === "windows";
/** Options for {@linkcode copy} and {@linkcode copySync}. */export interface CopyOptions { /** * Whether to overwrite existing file or directory. * * @default {false} */ overwrite?: boolean; /** * When `true`, will set last modification and access times to the ones of * the original source files. When `false`, timestamp behavior is * OS-dependent. * * @default {false} */ preserveTimestamps?: boolean;}
interface InternalCopyOptions extends CopyOptions { /** @default {false} */ isFolder?: boolean;}
async function ensureValidCopy( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: InternalCopyOptions,): Promise<Deno.FileInfo | undefined> { let destStat: Deno.FileInfo;
try { destStat = await Deno.lstat(dest); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return; } throw err; }
if (options.isFolder && !destStat.isDirectory) { throw new Error( `Cannot overwrite non-directory '${dest}' with directory '${src}'.`, ); } if (!options.overwrite) { throw new Deno.errors.AlreadyExists(`'${dest}' already exists.`); }
return destStat;}
function ensureValidCopySync( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: InternalCopyOptions,): Deno.FileInfo | undefined { let destStat: Deno.FileInfo; try { destStat = Deno.lstatSync(dest); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return; } throw err; }
if (options.isFolder && !destStat.isDirectory) { throw new Error( `Cannot overwrite non-directory '${dest}' with directory '${src}'.`, ); } if (!options.overwrite) { throw new Deno.errors.AlreadyExists(`'${dest}' already exists.`); }
return destStat;}
/* copy file to dest */async function copyFile( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: InternalCopyOptions,) { await ensureValidCopy(src, dest, options); await Deno.copyFile(src, dest); if (options.preserveTimestamps) { const statInfo = await Deno.stat(src); assert(statInfo.atime instanceof Date, `statInfo.atime is unavailable`); assert(statInfo.mtime instanceof Date, `statInfo.mtime is unavailable`); await Deno.utime(dest, statInfo.atime, statInfo.mtime); }}/* copy file to dest synchronously */function copyFileSync( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: InternalCopyOptions,) { ensureValidCopySync(src, dest, options); Deno.copyFileSync(src, dest); if (options.preserveTimestamps) { const statInfo = Deno.statSync(src); assert(statInfo.atime instanceof Date, `statInfo.atime is unavailable`); assert(statInfo.mtime instanceof Date, `statInfo.mtime is unavailable`); Deno.utimeSync(dest, statInfo.atime, statInfo.mtime); }}
/* copy symlink to dest */async function copySymLink( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: InternalCopyOptions,) { await ensureValidCopy(src, dest, options); const originSrcFilePath = await Deno.readLink(src); const type = getFileInfoType(await Deno.lstat(src)); if (isWindows) { await Deno.symlink(originSrcFilePath, dest, { type: type === "dir" ? "dir" : "file", }); } else { await Deno.symlink(originSrcFilePath, dest); } if (options.preserveTimestamps) { const statInfo = await Deno.lstat(src); assert(statInfo.atime instanceof Date, `statInfo.atime is unavailable`); assert(statInfo.mtime instanceof Date, `statInfo.mtime is unavailable`); await Deno.utime(dest, statInfo.atime, statInfo.mtime); }}
/* copy symlink to dest synchronously */function copySymlinkSync( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: InternalCopyOptions,) { ensureValidCopySync(src, dest, options); const originSrcFilePath = Deno.readLinkSync(src); const type = getFileInfoType(Deno.lstatSync(src)); if (isWindows) { Deno.symlinkSync(originSrcFilePath, dest, { type: type === "dir" ? "dir" : "file", }); } else { Deno.symlinkSync(originSrcFilePath, dest); }
if (options.preserveTimestamps) { const statInfo = Deno.lstatSync(src); assert(statInfo.atime instanceof Date, `statInfo.atime is unavailable`); assert(statInfo.mtime instanceof Date, `statInfo.mtime is unavailable`); Deno.utimeSync(dest, statInfo.atime, statInfo.mtime); }}
/* copy folder from src to dest. */async function copyDir( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: CopyOptions,) { const destStat = await ensureValidCopy(src, dest, { ...options, isFolder: true, });
if (!destStat) { await ensureDir(dest); }
if (options.preserveTimestamps) { const srcStatInfo = await Deno.stat(src); assert(srcStatInfo.atime instanceof Date, `statInfo.atime is unavailable`); assert(srcStatInfo.mtime instanceof Date, `statInfo.mtime is unavailable`); await Deno.utime(dest, srcStatInfo.atime, srcStatInfo.mtime); }
src = toPathString(src); dest = toPathString(dest);
const promises = [];
for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(src)) { const srcPath = join(src,; const destPath = join(dest, basename(srcPath as string)); if (entry.isSymlink) { promises.push(copySymLink(srcPath, destPath, options)); } else if (entry.isDirectory) { promises.push(copyDir(srcPath, destPath, options)); } else if (entry.isFile) { promises.push(copyFile(srcPath, destPath, options)); } }
await Promise.all(promises);}
/* copy folder from src to dest synchronously */function copyDirSync( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: CopyOptions,) { const destStat = ensureValidCopySync(src, dest, { ...options, isFolder: true, });
if (!destStat) { ensureDirSync(dest); }
if (options.preserveTimestamps) { const srcStatInfo = Deno.statSync(src); assert(srcStatInfo.atime instanceof Date, `statInfo.atime is unavailable`); assert(srcStatInfo.mtime instanceof Date, `statInfo.mtime is unavailable`); Deno.utimeSync(dest, srcStatInfo.atime, srcStatInfo.mtime); }
src = toPathString(src); dest = toPathString(dest);
for (const entry of Deno.readDirSync(src)) { const srcPath = join(src,; const destPath = join(dest, basename(srcPath as string)); if (entry.isSymlink) { copySymlinkSync(srcPath, destPath, options); } else if (entry.isDirectory) { copyDirSync(srcPath, destPath, options); } else if (entry.isFile) { copyFileSync(srcPath, destPath, options); } }}
/** * Asynchronously copy a file or directory. The directory can have contents. * Like `cp -r`. * * If `src` is a directory it will copy everything inside of this directory, * not the entire directory itself. If `src` is a file, `dest` cannot be a * directory. * * Requires the `--allow-read` and `--allow-write` flag. * * @param src The source file/directory path as a string or URL. * @param dest The destination file/directory path as a string or URL. * @param options Options for copying. * @returns A promise that resolves once the copy operation completes. * * @example Basic usage * ```ts * import { copy } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/copy.ts"; * * await copy("./foo", "./bar"); * ``` * * This will copy the file or directory at `./foo` to `./bar` without * overwriting. * * @example Overwriting files/directories * ```ts * import { copy } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/copy.ts"; * * await copy("./foo", "./bar", { overwrite: true }); * ``` * * This will copy the file or directory at `./foo` to `./bar` and overwrite * any existing files or directories. * * @example Preserving timestamps * ```ts * import { copy } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/copy.ts"; * * await copy("./foo", "./bar", { preserveTimestamps: true }); * ``` * * This will copy the file or directory at `./foo` to `./bar` and set the * last modification and access times to the ones of the original source files. */export async function copy( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: CopyOptions = {},) { src = resolve(toPathString(src)); dest = resolve(toPathString(dest));
if (src === dest) { throw new Error("Source and destination cannot be the same."); }
const srcStat = await Deno.lstat(src);
if (srcStat.isDirectory && isSubdir(src, dest)) { throw new Error( `Cannot copy '${src}' to a subdirectory of itself, '${dest}'.`, ); }
if (srcStat.isSymlink) { await copySymLink(src, dest, options); } else if (srcStat.isDirectory) { await copyDir(src, dest, options); } else if (srcStat.isFile) { await copyFile(src, dest, options); }}
/** * Synchronously copy a file or directory. The directory can have contents. * Like `cp -r`. * * If `src` is a directory it will copy everything inside of this directory, * not the entire directory itself. If `src` is a file, `dest` cannot be a * directory. * * Requires the `--allow-read` and `--allow-write` flag. * * @param src The source file/directory path as a string or URL. * @param dest The destination file/directory path as a string or URL. * @param options Options for copying. * @returns A void value that returns once the copy operation completes. * * @example Basic usage * ```ts * import { copySync } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/copy.ts"; * * copySync("./foo", "./bar"); * ``` * * This will copy the file or directory at `./foo` to `./bar` without * overwriting. * * @example Overwriting files/directories * ```ts * import { copySync } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/copy.ts"; * * copySync("./foo", "./bar", { overwrite: true }); * ``` * * This will copy the file or directory at `./foo` to `./bar` and overwrite * any existing files or directories. * * @example Preserving timestamps * ```ts * import { copySync } from "$STD_VERSION/fs/copy.ts"; * * copySync("./foo", "./bar", { preserveTimestamps: true }); * ``` * * This will copy the file or directory at `./foo` to `./bar` and set the * last modification and access times to the ones of the original source files. */export function copySync( src: string | URL, dest: string | URL, options: CopyOptions = {},) { src = resolve(toPathString(src)); dest = resolve(toPathString(dest));
if (src === dest) { throw new Error("Source and destination cannot be the same."); }
const srcStat = Deno.lstatSync(src);
if (srcStat.isDirectory && isSubdir(src, dest)) { throw new Error( `Cannot copy '${src}' to a subdirectory of itself, '${dest}'.`, ); }
if (srcStat.isSymlink) { copySymlinkSync(src, dest, options); } else if (srcStat.isDirectory) { copyDirSync(src, dest, options); } else if (srcStat.isFile) { copyFileSync(src, dest, options); }}