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import { AES, Buffer, getMachineId } from "../deps.ts";import { getPathInStorage, mkdir } from "./storage.ts";
/** turns any string with any length to a string with 32 chars */function normalizeKey(key: string) { let newKey = key.replace(/-/g, ""); newKey = newKey.substr(0, 32); if (newKey.length < 32) { const requiredCharsCount = 32 - newKey.length; for (let i = 0; i < requiredCharsCount; i++) { newKey = "0" + newKey; } } return newKey;}
/** * For using this class you need to give proper permissions to deno. It encrypts your data with this machine's id. * * Automatically calls JSON.stringify on your data on save and JSON.parse on load. * * on windows (not sure): --allow-env --allow-run --allow-read=%cd%\\storage --allow-write=%cd%\\storage * * on linux: --allow-read=/var/lib/dbus/machine-id,/etc/machine-id --allow-read=$PWD/storage --allow-write=$PWD/storage */export class CryptStorage { static async saveData(path: string, data: unknown) { const resolvedPath = getPathInStorage(path); await mkdir(resolvedPath); const key = normalizeKey(await getMachineId()); const aes = new AES(key); await Deno.writeFile(resolvedPath, await aes.encrypt(JSON.stringify(data))); }
static async loadData(path: string): Promise<unknown> { const fileData = await Deno.readFile(getPathInStorage(path));
const key = normalizeKey(await getMachineId()); const aes = new AES(key);
const data = Buffer.from(await aes.decrypt(fileData)).toString( "utf-8", ); return JSON.parse(data); }}