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import { UINT64 } from "./uint64.js";
import { ChatInstanceFlags, Instance, Type, TypeChar, Universe,} from "./enums.ts";
/** * @hidden */const regex = { steam2: /^STEAM_([0-5]):([0-1]):([0-9]+)$/, steam3: /^\[([a-zA-Z]):([0-5]):([0-9]+)(:[0-9]+)?\]$/, numberOnly: /^[0-9]+$/,};
/** * Returns Type for Char * @hidden */const getTypeFromChar = (char: string) => { if ( TypeChar[char as keyof typeof TypeChar] ) { return TypeChar[char as keyof typeof TypeChar]; }
return Type.INVALID;};
/** * @hidden */export type Format = "none" | "steam2" | "steam3" | "steam64" | "accountid";
export class SteamID { public universe: number; public type: number; public instance: number; public accountid: number; public format: Format;
constructor(input?: string | number) { this.universe = Universe.INVALID; this.type = Type.INVALID; this.instance = Instance.ALL; this.accountid = 0; this.format = "none";
if (!input) { return; } let matches; if (typeof input === "string" && (matches = input.match(regex.steam2))) { this.format = "steam2"; this.universe = parseInt(matches[1], 10) || Universe.PUBLIC; this.type = Type.INDIVIDUAL; this.instance = Instance.DESKTOP; this.accountid = (parseInt(matches[3], 10) * 2) + parseInt(matches[2], 10); } else if ( typeof input === "string" && (matches = input.match(regex.steam3)) ) { const char = matches[1]; this.format = "steam3"; this.universe = parseInt(matches[2], 10); this.accountid = parseInt(matches[3], 10);
if (matches[4]) { this.instance = parseInt(matches[4].substring(1), 10); } else if (char === "U") { this.instance = Instance.DESKTOP; }
if (char === "c") { this.instance |= ChatInstanceFlags.Clan; this.type = Type.CHAT; } else if (char === "L") { this.instance |= ChatInstanceFlags.Lobby; this.type = Type.CHAT; } else { this.type = getTypeFromChar(char); } } else if ( isNaN(input as number) || !regex.numberOnly.test(input as string) ) { throw new Error(`Unknown SteamID input format "${input}"`); } else { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore const x = new UINT64(input, 10); this.format = "steam64"; this.accountid = (x.toNumber() & 0xFFFFFFFF) >>> 0; this.instance = x.shiftRight(32).toNumber() & 0xFFFFF; this.type = x.shiftRight(20).toNumber() & 0xF; this.universe = x.shiftRight(4).toNumber(); } }
/** * Check whether this ID is valid * @return {boolean} */ public isValid = (): boolean => { if (this.type <= Type.INVALID || this.type > Type.ANON_USER) { return false; }
if (this.universe <= Universe.INVALID || this.universe > Universe.DEV) { return false; }
if ( this.type === Type.INDIVIDUAL && (this.accountid === 0 || this.instance > Instance.WEB) ) { return false; }
if ( this.type === Type.CLAN && (this.accountid === 0 || this.instance !== Instance.ALL) ) { return false; }
if (this.type === Type.GAMESERVER && this.accountid === 0) { return false; } return true; };
/** * Check whether this ID is tied to a steam groupchat * @return {boolean} */ public isGroupChat = (): boolean => { return !!(this.type === Type.CHAT && this.instance & ChatInstanceFlags.Clan); };
/** * Check whether this ID is a steam lobby * @return {boolean} */ public isLobby = (): boolean => { return !!(this.type === Type.CHAT && (this.instance & ChatInstanceFlags.Lobby || this.instance & ChatInstanceFlags.MMSLobby)); };
/** * Render this ID in the Steam2 format * @param format - true if you want to use 1 in place of the leading 0 for the public universe * @return {string} */ public getSteam2ID = (format?: boolean): string => { if (this.type !== Type.INDIVIDUAL) { throw new Error(`Can't get Steam2 rendered ID for non-individual ID`); } else { let universe = this.universe; if (!format && universe === 1) { universe = 0; } return `STEAM_${universe}:${(this.accountid & 1)}:${ Math.floor(this.accountid / 2) }`; } };
/** * Render this ID in the Steam3 format * @return {string} */ public getSteam3ID = (): string => { let char = TypeChar[this.type] || "i";
if (this.instance & ChatInstanceFlags.Clan) { char = "c"; } else if (this.instance & ChatInstanceFlags.Lobby) { char = "L"; }
const renderInstance = ( this.type === Type.ANON_GAMESERVER || this.type === Type.MULTISEAT || (this.type === Type.INDIVIDUAL && this.instance !== Instance.DESKTOP) ); return `[${char}:${this.universe}:${this.accountid}${(renderInstance ? ":" + this.instance : "")}]`; };
/** * Render this ID in the 64-bit format * @return {string} */ public getSteamID64 = (): string => { // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore return new UINT64( this.accountid, (this.universe << 24) | (this.type << 20) | (this.instance), ).toString(10); };
/** * Render this ID in the 64-bit format * @return {string} */ public toString = this.getSteamID64;
/** * Return the Universe of the current ID * @return {string} */ public getUniverse = (): string => { return Universe[this.universe]; };
/** * Return the Type of the current ID * @return {string} */ public getType = (): string => { return Type[this.type]; };
/** * Return the Instance of the current ID * @return {string} */ public getInstance = (): string => { return Instance[this.instance]; };
/** * Return the Universe ID of the current ID * @return {number} */ public getUniverseID = (): number => { return this.universe; };
/** * Return the Type ID of the current ID * @return {number} */ public getTypeID = (): number => { return this.type; };
/** * Return the Instance ID of the current ID * @return {number} */ public getInstanceID = (): number => { return this.instance; };
/** * Return the Account ID of the current ID * @return {number} */ public getAccountID = (): number => { return this.accountid; };
/** * Return the format that was used to generate the current ID * @return {string} */ public getFormat = (): Format => { return this.format; };
/** * Create an individual ID in the public universe with an accountid and desktop instance * @param accountid - The user's account ID * @return {SteamID} */ static fromIndividualAccountID(accountid: number | string): SteamID { let parsedAccountId = 0; if (typeof accountid === "string") { parsedAccountId = parseInt(accountid, 10); } else { parsedAccountId = accountid; } const x = new SteamID(); x.universe = Universe.PUBLIC; x.type = Type.INDIVIDUAL; x.instance = Instance.DESKTOP; x.accountid = isNaN(parsedAccountId) ? 0 : parsedAccountId; x.format = "accountid"; return x; }
public static Universe = Universe; public static Type = Type; public static Instance = Instance;}
export * from "./enums.ts";