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Steamy is a library made to help interact with Valve's REST APIs for their various games and services by providing easy asynchronous functions to call them, along with a key manager, and type checking to boot.
enum ItemID
import { ItemID } from "";


AbyssalBlade = 208
AbyssalBladeRecipe = 207
AegisoftheImmortal = 117
AeonDisk = 256
AeonDiskRecipe = 255
AetherLens = 232
AetherLensRecipe = 233
AghanimsBlessing = 271
AghanimsBlessingRecipe = 270
AghanimsBlessingRoshan = 727
AghanimsScepter = 108
AghanimsShard = 609
AghanimsShardRoshan = 725
AncientPerseverance = 578
AnimalCourier = 45
Apex = 366
ArcaneBlinkRecipe = 606
ArcaneBoots = 180
ArcaneRing = 349
ArcanistsArmor = 829
ArmletofMordiggian = 151
ArmletofMordiggianRecipe = 150
AsceticsCap = 825
AssassinsContract = 826
AssassinsDagger = 824
AssaultCuirass = 112
AssaultCuirassRecipe = 111
Ballista = 367
BandofElvenskin = 18
BattleFury = 145
BattleFuryRecipe = 144
BeltofStrength = 17
BlackKingBar = 116
BlackKingBarRecipe = 115
BladeMail = 127
BladeMailRecipe = 126
BladeofAlacrity = 22
BladesofAttack = 2
BlastRig = 834
BlightStone = 240
BlinkDagger = 1
BlitzKnuckles = 485
Bloodstone = 121
BloodstoneRecipe = 120
Bloodthorn = 250
BloodthornRecipe = 245
BookofShadows = 677
BookoftheDead = 370
BootsofBearing = 931
BootsofBearingRecipe = 930
BootsofSpeed = 29
BootsofTravel = 48
BootsofTravel2 = 220
BootsofTravelRecipe = 47
Bottle = 41
Bracer = 73
BracerRecipe = 72
BrigandsBlade = 828
Broadsword = 3
BroomHandle = 355
BruisersMaul = 906
BruisersMaulRecipe = 833
Buckler = 86
BucklerRecipe = 85
Bullwhip = 680
Butterfly = 139
CeremonialRobe = 676
Chainmail = 4
Cheese = 33
ChippedVest = 565
Circlet = 20
Clarity = 38
Claymore = 5
Cloak = 31
CloakofFlames = 574
ClumsyNet = 360
CraggyCoat = 298
CrimsonGuard = 242
CrimsonGuardRecipe = 243
Crown = 261
Crystalys = 149
CrystalysRecipe = 148
Daedalus = 141
DaedalusRecipe = 140
DaggerofRistul = 1077
DagonLevel1 = 104
DagonLevel2 = 201
DagonLevel3 = 202
DagonLevel4 = 203
DagonLevel5 = 204
DagonRecipe = 103
DemonEdge = 51
Desolator = 168
DiffusalBlade = 964
DiffusalBladeLevel1 = 174
DiffusalBladeLevel2 = 196
DiffusalBladeRecipe = 173
DimensionalDoorway = 373
DivineRapier = 133
DragonLance = 236
DragonScale = 358
DrumofEndurance = 185
DrumofEnduranceRecipe = 184
DustofAppearance = 40
EagleEye = 929
Eaglesong = 52
EchoSabre = 252
Elixir = 302
ElvenTunic = 573
EnchantedMango = 216
EnchantedQuiver = 361
EnergyBooster = 59
EssenceRing = 359
EternalShroud = 692
EternalShroudRecipe = 691
EtherealBlade = 176
EtherealBladeRecipe = 175
EulsScepterofDivinity = 100
EulsScepterRecipe = 99
ExMachina = 374
EyeofSkadi = 160
EyeoftheVizier = 990
FadedBroach = 375
FaeGrenade = 835
FaerieFire = 237
FairysTrinket = 589
FalconBlade = 596
FalconBladeRecipe = 599
FallenSky = 371
Flicker = 335
FluffyHat = 593
FlyingCourier1 = 84
FlyingCourier2 = 286
ForceBoots = 291
ForceStaff = 102
ForceStaffRecipe = 101
FusionRune = 313
GauntletsofStrength = 13
GemofTrueSight = 30
GhostScepter = 37
GiantsRing = 678
Gleipnir = 1466
GleipnirRecipe = 1565
GlimmerCape = 254
GlimmerCapeRecipe = 253
GlovesofHaste = 25
GlovesofTravel = 570
GrandmastersGlaive = 655
GreaterFaerieFire = 299
GreaterMango = 295
GroveBow = 288
GuardianGreaves = 231
GuardianGreavesRecipe = 230
GuardianShell = 950
HandofMidas = 65
HandofMidasRecipe = 64
HavocHammer = 364
Headdress = 94
HeaddressRecipe = 93
HealingSalve = 39
HeartofTarrasque = 114
HeartofTarrasqueRecipe = 113
HeavensHalberd = 210
HeavensHalberdRecipe = 209
HelmofIronWill = 6
HelmoftheDominator = 164
HelmoftheDominatorRecipe = 163
HelmoftheGladiator = 576
HelmoftheOverlord = 635
HelmoftheOverlordRecipe = 633
HelmoftheUndying = 327
HolyLocket = 269
HolyLocketRecipe = 268
HoodofDefiance = 131
Horizon = 312
HurricanePike = 263
HurricanePikeRecipe = 262
Hyperstone = 55
IcarusWings = 827
IllusionistsCape = 363
ImpClaw = 334
InfusedRaindrops = 265
IronBranch = 16
IronTalon = 239
IronTalonRecipe = 238
IronwoodTree = 304
IronwoodTreeRecipe = 303
Javelin = 7
Kaya = 259
KayaandSange = 273
KayaandSangeRecipe = 272
KayaRecipe = 258
KeenOptic = 287
LanceofPursuit = 946
LightRobes = 836
LinkensSphere = 123
LinkensSphereRecipe = 122
LotusOrb = 226
Maelstrom = 166
MaelstromRecipe = 165
MageSlayer = 598
MageSlayerRecipe = 597
MagicLamp = 365
MagicStick = 34
MagicWand = 36
MagicWandRecipe = 35
MangoTree = 328
MantaStyle = 147
MantaStyleRecipe = 146
MantleofIntelligence = 15
MaskofMadness = 172
MaskofMadnessRecipe = 171
MechanicalArm = 849
MedallionofCourage = 187
Mekansm = 79
MekansmRecipe = 78
MeteorHammer = 223
MeteorHammerRecipe = 222
MindBreaker = 309
MinotaurHorn = 377
MirrorShield = 301
MithrilHammer = 8
Mjollnir = 158
MjollnirRecipe = 157
MonkeyKingBar = 135
MonkeyKingBarRecipe = 134
MoonShard = 247
MorbidMask = 26
MysticStaff = 58
NecronomiconLevel1 = 106
NecronomiconLevel2 = 193
NecronomiconLevel3 = 194
NecronomiconRecipe = 105
NetherShawl = 357
NinjaGear = 362
Nullifier = 225
NullifierRecipe = 224
NullTalisman = 77
NullTalismanRecipe = 76
Oakheart = 582
OblivionStaff = 67
ObserverandSentryWards = 218
ObserverWard = 42
OccultBracelet = 947
OceanHeart = 354
OctarineCore = 235
OctarineCoreRecipe = 228
OgreAxe = 21
OgreSealTotem = 949
OrbofCorrosion = 569
OrbofCorrosionRecipe = 640
OrbofDestruction = 378
OrbofVenom = 181
OrchidMalevolence = 98
OrchidMalevolenceRecipe = 97
OverflowingElixir = 588
OverwhelmingBlinkRecipe = 608
PaladinSword = 376
PentaEdgedSword = 638
Perseverance = 69
PhaseBoots = 50
PhilosophersStone = 290
PhoenixAsh = 293
PigPole = 838
PipeofInsight = 90
PipeofInsightRecipe = 89
PirateHat = 372
Platemail = 9
PocketRoshan = 1032
PocketTower = 1030
PointBooster = 60
PoorMansShield = 71
PossessedMask = 577
PowerTreads = 63
PrincesKnife = 325
PsychicHeadband = 675
PupilsGift = 306
Quarterstaff = 10
QuellingBlade = 11
QuickeningCharm = 289
QuicksilverAmulet = 686
Radiance = 137
RadianceRecipe = 136
Reaver = 53
RecipeDiffusalBladeLevel2 = 195
RecipeFallenSky = 317
RefresherOrb = 110
RefresherOrbRecipe = 109
RefresherShard = 260
RepairKit = 308
RevenantsBrooch = 911
RevenantsBroochRecipe = 910
RingofAquila = 212
RingofBasilius = 88
RingofBasiliusRecipe = 87
RingofFortitude = 839
RingofHealth = 56
RingofProtection = 12
RingofRegen = 27
RingofTarrasque = 279
RiverVialBlood = 1027
RiverVialChrome = 1021
RiverVialDry = 1022
RiverVialElectrified = 1025
RiverVialOil = 1024
RiverVialPotion = 1026
RiverVialSlime = 1023
RobeoftheMagi = 19
RodofAtos = 206
RodofAtosRecipe = 205
RoyalJelly = 305
SacredRelic = 54
SagesMask = 28
Sange = 162
SangeandYasha = 154
SangeRecipe = 161
Satanic = 156
SatanicRecipe = 155
Satchel = 731
ScytheofVyse = 96
SeedsofSerenity = 945
SeerStone = 294
SentryWard = 43
ShadowAmulet = 215
ShadowBlade = 152
ShadowofVengeance = 679
ShivasGuard = 119
ShivasGuardRecipe = 118
SilverEdge = 249
SilverEdgeRecipe = 248
SkullBasher = 143
SkullBasherRecipe = 142
SlippersofAgility = 14
SmokeofDeceit = 188
SolarCrest = 229
SolarCrestRecipe = 227
SoulBooster = 129
SoulRing = 178
SoulRingRecipe = 177
SpecialistsArray = 1076
SpellPrism = 311
SpiderLegs = 326
SpiritVessel = 267
SpiritVesselRecipe = 266
StaffofWizardry = 23
StarMace = 637
Stormcrafter = 585
StoutShield = 182
StygianDesolator = 292
SuperBlinkDagger = 1029
SwiftBlinkRecipe = 607
TalismanofEvasion = 32
Tango = 44
TangoShared = 241
Telescope = 336
TheLeveller = 379
ThirdEye = 310
TimelessRelic = 300
TitanSliver = 381
Tombstone = 1028
TomeofAghanim = 307
TomeofKnowledge = 257
TownPortalScroll = 46
TranquilBoots = 214
TranquilBootsRecipe = 213
TricksterCloak = 571
TridentRecipe = 275
TrustyShovel = 356
TumblersToy = 840
UltimateOrb = 24
UrnofShadows = 92
UrnofShadowsRecipe = 91
Vambrace = 331
VambraceRecipe = 329
VampireFangs = 297
Vanguard = 125
VeilofDiscord = 190
VeilofDiscordRecipe = 189
VenomGland = 575
VitalityBooster = 61
VladmirsOffering = 81
VladmirsOfferingRecipe = 80
VoidStone = 57
VoidwalkerScythe = 904
VoidwalkerScytheRecipe = 859
VoodooMask = 473
WandoftheBrine = 940
Warhammer = 674
WindLace = 244
WindWaker = 610
WindWakerRecipe = 612
Witchbane = 837
WitchBlade = 534
WitchBladeRecipe = 533
WitlessShako = 330
WizardGlass = 566
WoodlandStriders = 368
WraithBand = 75
WraithBandRecipe = 74
WraithPact = 908
WraithPactRecipe = 907
Yasha = 170
YashaandKaya = 277
YashaandKayaRecipe = 274
YashaRecipe = 169