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Steamy is a library made to help interact with Valve's REST APIs for their various games and services by providing easy asynchronous functions to call them, along with a key manager, and type checking to boot.
interface getMatchDetails_Player
import { type getMatchDetails_Player } from "";


account_id: number

32-bit account ID

player_slot: number

See #Player Slot below

hero_id: HeroID

The hero's unique ID. A list of hero IDs can be found via the GetHeroes method.

item_0: ItemID

ID of the top-left inventory item

item_1: ItemID

ID of the top-center inventory item

item_2: ItemID

ID of the top-right inventory item

item_3: ItemID

ID of the bottom-left inventory item

item_4: ItemID

ID of the bottom-center inventory item

item_5: ItemID

ID of the bottom-right inventory item

kills: number

The amount of kills attributed to this player

deaths: number

The amount of times this player died during the match

assists: number

The amount of assists attributed to this player

leaver_status: LeaverStatus

0 - NONE - finished match, no abandon. 1 - DISCONNECTED - player DC, no abandon. 2 - DISCONNECTED_TOO_LONG - player DC > 5min, abandoned. 3 - ABANDONED - player DC, clicked leave, abandoned. 4 - AFK - player AFK, abandoned. 5 - NEVER_CONNECTED - player never connected, no abandon. 6 - NEVER_CONNECTED_TOO_LONG - player took too long to connect, no abandon.

last_hits: number

The amount of last-hits the player got during the match

denies: number

The amount of denies the player got during the match

gold_per_min: number

The player's overall gold/minute

xp_per_min: number

The player's overall experience/minute

additional_units: { unitname: string; item_0: ItemID; item_1: ItemID; item_2: ItemID; item_3: ItemID; item_4: ItemID; item_5: ItemID; }[]

Additional playable units owned by the player (only present if there is another unit owned by the player)