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Steamy is a library made to help interact with Valve's REST APIs for their various games and services by providing easy asynchronous functions to call them, along with a key manager, and type checking to boot.
interface Steam.getNewsForApp_NewsItem
import { type Steam } from "";
const { getNewsForApp_NewsItem } = Steam;


gid: string

The unique identifier of the news item.

title: string

Title of the news item.

url: string

Permanent link to the item

is_external_url: boolean

true if the url given links to an external website. false if it links to the Steam store.

author: string

The author of the news item.

contents: string

The article body with a length equal to the given length with an appended ellipsis if it is exceeded.

feedlabel: string

The category label of the news item.

date: number

A unix timestamp of the date the item was posted.

feedname: string

An internal tag that describes the source of the news item.

feed_type: number
appid: number

The appid of the news item