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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
import { log2 } from "./utilities.ts";import type { ComplexView, ContainerView, PrimitiveView, ViewConstructor, ViewInstance, ViewSchema,} from "./view-types.ts";import type { View } from "./view.ts";
export class ArrayView<T> extends DataView implements ContainerView<T> { static View: ViewConstructor< unknown, PrimitiveView<unknown> | ContainerView<unknown> | ComplexView<unknown> >; static viewLength = 0; static itemLength: number;
get size() { return (this.constructor as typeof ArrayView).getSize(this.byteLength); }
static decode<T>( view: DataView, start = 0, length = view.byteLength, ): Array<T> { const { View, itemLength } = this; const size = this.getSize(length); const array = new Array(size); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { const offset = this.getOffset(i); array[i] = View.decode(view, start + offset, itemLength); } return array; }
static encode<T>( value: Array<T>, view: DataView, start = 0, length = view.byteLength, ): number { const { View, itemLength } = this; const size = this.getSize(length); const max = size < value.length ? size : value.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { const offset = this.getOffset(i); View.encode(value[i], view, start + offset, itemLength); } const written = max * itemLength; // zero-out remaining bytes let caret = written; while (caret < length) view.setUint8(start + caret++, 0); return written; }
static from<T, U extends ArrayView<T>>(value: Array<T>): U { const view = new this<T>(new ArrayBuffer(this.getOffset(value.length))); this.encode<T>(value, view, 0, view.byteLength); return view as U; }
static getLength(size: number): number { return this.getOffset(size); }
static getOffset(index: number): number { return (index * this.itemLength) | 0; }
static getSize(length: number): number { return (length / this.itemLength) | 0; }
static indexOf<T>( value: T, view: DataView, startIndex = 0, startOffset = 0, length = view.byteLength, ): number { const size = this.getSize(length); const valueView = this.View.from(value); outer: for (let i = startIndex; i < size; i++) { const offset = startOffset + this.getOffset(i); for (let j = 0; j < valueView.byteLength; j++) { if (valueView.getUint8(j) !== view.getUint8(offset + j)) continue outer; } return i; } return -1; }
*[Symbol.iterator](): Generator<ViewInstance<T>> { const { size } = this; for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) { yield this.getView(i); } }
at(index: number): T { if (index < 0) return this.get(this.size + index); return this.get(index); }
get(index: number): T { const constructor = this.constructor as typeof ArrayView; const View = constructor.View as ViewConstructor<T>; return View.decode(this, constructor.getOffset(index)); }
getLength(_: number): number { return (this.constructor as typeof ArrayView).itemLength; }
getView(index: number): ViewInstance<T> { const constructor = this.constructor as typeof ArrayView; const View = constructor.View as ViewConstructor<T>; return new View( this.buffer, this.byteOffset + constructor.getOffset(index), constructor.itemLength, ); }
indexOf(value: T, start = 0): number { return (this.constructor as typeof ArrayView).indexOf( value, this, start, 0, this.byteLength, ); }
set(index: number, value: T): void { const constructor = this.constructor as typeof ArrayView; const View = constructor.View as ViewConstructor<T>; View.encode( value, this, this.byteOffset + constructor.getOffset(index), constructor.itemLength, ); }
setView(index: number, value: DataView): void { const constructor = this.constructor as typeof ArrayView; new Uint8Array( this.buffer, this.byteOffset + constructor.getOffset(index), constructor.itemLength, ).set(new Uint8Array(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, value.byteLength)); }
toJSON(): Array<T> { return (this.constructor as typeof ArrayView).decode<T>( this, 0, this.byteLength, ); }
static initialize<T>( schema: ViewSchema<T>, Factory: View, SchemaView?: ViewConstructor<T>, length?: number, ): ViewConstructor<Array<T>> { const ItemView = SchemaView ?? Factory.getExistingView(schema); const itemLength = length ?? ItemView.viewLength; if (itemLength === undefined || itemLength <= 0 || itemLength >= Infinity) { throw TypeError("ArrayView should have fixed sized items."); } return class extends this<T> { static View = ItemView; static itemLength = itemLength; static offset = log2[itemLength]; }; }}