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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
import type { Bit } from "./utility-types.ts";
type BitPosition = { bucket: number; position: number;};
/** * Uses Uint32Array as an array or vector of bits. It's a simpler version of BitField * that only sets and checks individual bits. * * @example * const array = BitArray.create(10); * array.getBit(0); * //=> 0 * array.setBit(0).getBit(0); * //=> 1 * array.size; * //=> 10 * array.length; * //=> 1 */export class BitArray extends Uint32Array { lastPosition: BitPosition = { bucket: 0, position: 0 };
static get [Symbol.species](): Uint32ArrayConstructor { return Uint32Array; }
/** * The amount of bits in the array. */ get size(): number { return this.length << 5; }
/** * Creates a BitArray of the specified size. * * @param size the maximum amount of bits in the array * @return a new BitArray */ static create<T extends typeof BitArray>( this: T, size: number, ): InstanceType<T> { return new this(this.getLength(size)) as InstanceType<T>; }
/** * Returns the length of the underlying TypedArray required to hold the given amount of bits. * * @param size the amount of bits * @return the required length */ static getLength(size: number): number { return Math.ceil(size / 32); }
/** * Returns the bit at a given index. * * @param index the index * @return the bit */ getBit(index: number): Bit { const { bucket, position } = this.getBitPosition(index); return ((this[bucket] >> position) & 1) as Bit; }
getBitPosition(index: number): BitPosition { const bucket = index >> 5; this.lastPosition.bucket = bucket; this.lastPosition.position = index - (bucket << 5); return this.lastPosition; }
/** * Sets the bit at a given index. * * @param index the index * @param value the value * @return this */ setBit(index: number, value: Bit = 1): this { const { bucket, position } = this.getBitPosition(index); this[bucket] = (this[bucket] & ~(1 << position)) | (value << position); return this; }}