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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
import type { AdjacencyStructure, AdjacencyStructureConstructor, TypedArrayConstructors,} from "./utility-types.ts";import { BinaryHeap } from "./binary-heap.ts";
export const Colors = { WHITE: 0, GRAY: 1, BLACK: 2,} as const;
export type Colors = typeof Colors[keyof typeof Colors];
type Vertex = { e: number; w: number };
class VertexHeap extends BinaryHeap<Vertex> { static compare(a: Vertex, b: Vertex): boolean { return a.w < b.w; }}
/** * Creates a Graph class extending a given adjacency structure. */export function GraphMixin< T extends TypedArrayConstructors, U extends AdjacencyStructureConstructor<T>,>(Base: U) { // deno-lint-ignore no-empty-interface interface Graph extends AdjacencyStructure {}
/** * Extends an adjacency list/matrix structure and provides methods for traversal (BFS, DFS), * pathfinding (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford), spanning tree construction (BFS, Prim), etc. */ class Graph extends Base { _colors?: Uint8Array;
get colors(): Uint8Array { return ( this._colors || ((this._colors = new Uint8Array(this.vertices)), this._colors) ); }
hasColor(vertex: number, color: Colors): boolean { return this.colors[vertex] === color; }
/** * Checks whether the graph is acyclic. */ isAcyclic(): boolean { for (const vertex of this.traverse(true, 0, false, true)) { if (!this.hasColor(vertex, Colors.WHITE)) return false; } return true; }
/** * Returns a list of vertices along the shortest path between two given vertices. * * @param start the starting vertex * @param end the ending vertex * @param isAcyclic whether the graph is acyclic * @param isNonNegative whether all edges are non-negative */ path( start: number, end: number, isAcyclic = false, isNonNegative = false, ): Array<number> { const { weighted } = this .constructor as AdjacencyStructureConstructor<TypedArrayConstructors>; const { vertices } = this; const predecessors = new Array(vertices).fill(-1); const distances = new Array(vertices).fill(Infinity); const isFound = !weighted ? this.searchUnweighted(start, end, predecessors) : isAcyclic ? this.searchTopological(start, end, distances, predecessors) : isNonNegative ? this.searchDijkstra(start, end, distances, predecessors) : this.searchBellmanFord(start, end, distances, predecessors); if (!isFound) return []; const path = []; let last = end; while (~last) { path.unshift(last); last = predecessors[last]; } return path; }
/** * Resets all coloring of vertices done during traversals. */ resetColors(): void { this.colors.fill(0); }
/** * For all. * * @param start * @param end * @param distances * @param predecessors */ searchBellmanFord( start: number, end: number, distances: Array<number>, predecessors: Array<number>, ): boolean { const { vertices } = this; distances[start] = 0; let isFound = false; for (let i = 0; i < vertices; i++) { for (const edge of this.outEdges(i)) { const weight = this.getEdge(i, edge); const distance = distances[i] + weight; if (distances[edge] > distance) { distances[edge] = distance; predecessors[edge] = i; if (edge === end) { isFound = true; } } } } return isFound; }
/** * For non-negative edges. * * @param start * @param end * @param distances * @param predecessors */ searchDijkstra( start: number, end: number, distances: Array<number>, predecessors: Array<number>, ): boolean { this.resetColors(); const heap = new VertexHeap(); distances[start] = 0; heap.push({ e: start, w: this[start] }); let isFound = false; while (heap.length) { const vertex = heap.shift()!; if (this.hasColor(vertex.e, Colors.GRAY)) continue; this.setColor(vertex.e, Colors.GRAY); for (const edge of this.outEdges(vertex.e)) { const weight = this.getEdge(vertex.e, edge); const distance = distances[vertex.e] + weight; if (distance < distances[edge]) { distances[edge] = distance; predecessors[edge] = vertex.e; heap.push({ e: edge, w: distance }); } if (edge === end) { isFound = true; } } } return isFound; }
/** * For DAGs only. * * @param start * @param end * @param distances * @param predecessors */ searchTopological( start: number, end: number, distances: Array<number>, predecessors: Array<number>, ): boolean { distances[start] = 0; let lastPredecessor = start; let isFound = false; for (const vertex of this.traverse(true, start, true, true)) { if (!this.hasColor(vertex, Colors.GRAY)) { const weight = this.getEdge(lastPredecessor, vertex); if (distances[vertex] > distances[lastPredecessor] + weight) { distances[vertex] = distances[lastPredecessor] + weight; predecessors[vertex] = lastPredecessor; } } else if (!this.hasColor(vertex, Colors.BLACK)) { lastPredecessor = vertex; } if (vertex === end) { isFound = true; } } return isFound; }
/** * For unweighted graphs. * * @param start the starting vertex * @param end the ending vertex * @param predecessors */ searchUnweighted( start: number, end: number | undefined, predecessors: Array<number>, ): boolean { let lastPredecessor = start; let isFound = false; for (const vertex of this.traverse(false, start, true, true)) { if (this.hasColor(vertex, Colors.BLACK)) continue; if (this.hasColor(vertex, Colors.WHITE)) { predecessors[vertex] = lastPredecessor; } else { lastPredecessor = vertex; } if (vertex === end) { isFound = true; break; } } return isFound; }
setColor(vertex: number, color: Colors): void { this.colors[vertex] = color; }
/** * Returns a list of vertexes sorted topologically. */ topologicalSort(): Array<number> { const result: Array<number> = []; for (const vertex of this.traverse(true, 0, false, false, true)) { result.unshift(vertex); } return result; }
/** * Does a Breadth-First or Depth-First traversal of the graph. * * @param isDFS whether to do DFS traversal, does BFS otherwise * @param start the vertex to start at * @param gray whether to return vertices upon entering * @param white whether to return edges upon first encountering * @param black whether to return vertices after processing * @return the vertex at each step */ *traverse( isDFS = false, start = 0, gray = true, white = false, black = false, ) { this.resetColors(); const processing = [start]; const [push, pull]: Array<keyof Array<number>> = isDFS ? ["push", "pop"] : ["push", "shift"]; while (processing.length) { const vertex = processing[pull]()!; this.setColor(vertex, Colors.GRAY); if (gray) yield vertex; for (const edge of this.outEdges(vertex)) { if (this.hasColor(edge, Colors.WHITE)) { processing[push](edge); } if (white) yield edge; } this.setColor(vertex, Colors.BLACK); if (black) yield vertex; } }
/** * Returns a minimal spanning tree of the graph. * Uses the Prim's algorithm for weighted graphs and BFS tree for unweighted graphs. * * @param start */ tree(start = 0) { const { weighted } = this .constructor as AdjacencyStructureConstructor<TypedArrayConstructors>; const { vertices } = this; const predecessors = new Array(vertices).fill(-1); if (!weighted) { this.searchUnweighted(start, undefined, predecessors); return predecessors; } this.resetColors(); const distances = new Array(vertices).fill(Infinity); const heap = new VertexHeap(); distances[start] = 0; heap.push({ e: start, w: this[0] }); while (heap.length) { const vertex = heap.shift()!; if (this.hasColor(vertex.e, Colors.GRAY)) continue; this.setColor(vertex.e, Colors.GRAY); for (const edge of this.outEdges(vertex.e)) { const weight = this.getEdge(vertex.e, edge); if (this.hasColor(edge, Colors.GRAY) || weight > distances[edge]) { continue; } distances[edge] = weight; predecessors[edge] = vertex.e; heap.push({ e: edge, w: weight }); } } return predecessors; } }
return Graph;}