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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
class BinaryGrid
extends Uint32Array
import { BinaryGrid } from "";

Implements a grid or 2D matrix of bits.


columns: number

Number of columns in the grid.

rows: number

Number of rows in the grid.

size: number


getCoordinates(row: number, column?): [number, number]
getIndex(row: number, column?): number

Returns the index of an item holding the bit at given coordinates.

getValue(row: number, column: number): Bit

Returns the bit at given coordinates.

row: number,
column: number,
value?: Bit,
): this

Sets the bit at given coordinates.

toArrays(): Array<Array<Bit>>

Creates an array of arrays representing rows of the grid.

Static Properties

[Symbol.species]: Uint32ArrayConstructor

Static Methods

create(rows: number, columns?): BinaryGrid

Creates a binary grid of specified dimensions.

fromArrays(arrays: Array<Array<Bit>>): BinaryGrid

Creates a new binary grid from an array of arrays representing rows and item value of the grid.

getLength(rows: number, columns?): number

Returns the length of the underlying TypedArray required to hold a grid of specified dimensions.