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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
// deno-lint-ignore-file ban-typesimport type { Constructor } from "./utility-types.ts";import type { ComplexView, ViewConstructor, ViewInstance, ViewLayout, ViewSchema,} from "./view-types.ts";import type { View } from "./view.ts";
export class ObjectView<T extends object> extends DataView implements ComplexView<T> { static viewLength: number; static layout?: ViewLayout<unknown>; static fields: Array<unknown>; static defaultData?: Uint8Array; static ObjectConstructor: Constructor<unknown>;
static decode<T extends object>(view: DataView, start = 0, _?: number): T { const layout = this.layout as ViewLayout<T>; const fields = this.fields as Array<keyof T>; const result = new this.ObjectConstructor() as T; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const name = fields[i]; const { View, start: fieldStart, length: fieldLength } = layout[name]; result[name] = View.decode(view, start + fieldStart, fieldLength); } return result; }
static encode<T extends object>( value: T, view: DataView, start = 0, length = this.viewLength, amend?: boolean, ): number { if (!amend) { new Uint8Array(view.buffer, view.byteOffset + start, length).fill(0); } const layout = this.layout as ViewLayout<T>; const fields = this.fields as Array<keyof T>; for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const name = fields[i]; if (Reflect.has(value, name)) { const { View, start: fieldStart, length: fieldLength } = layout[name]; View.encode(value[name], view, start + fieldStart, fieldLength); } } return length; }
static from<T extends object, U extends ObjectView<T>>(value: T): U { const objectView = new this<T>(this.defaultData!.buffer.slice(0)); this.encode<T>(value, objectView, 0, this.viewLength, true); return objectView as U; }
static getLength(): number { return this.viewLength; }
get<P extends keyof T>(field: P): T[P] { const layout = (this.constructor as typeof ObjectView) .layout as ViewLayout<T>; const { start, View, length } = layout[field]; return View.decode(this, start, length); }
getLength<P extends keyof T>(field: P): number { const layout = (this.constructor as typeof ObjectView) .layout as ViewLayout<T>; return layout[field].length; }
getView<P extends keyof T>(field: P): ViewInstance<T[P]> { const layout = (this.constructor as typeof ObjectView) .layout as ViewLayout<T>; const { View, start, length } = layout[field]; return new View(this.buffer, this.byteOffset + start, length); }
set<P extends keyof T>(field: P, value: T[P]) { const layout = (this.constructor as typeof ObjectView) .layout as ViewLayout<T>; const { start, View, length } = layout[field]; View.encode(value, this, start, length); }
setView<P extends keyof T>(field: P, view: DataView) { const layout = (this.constructor as typeof ObjectView) .layout as ViewLayout<T>; const { start } = layout[field]; new Uint8Array(this.buffer, this.byteOffset, this.byteLength).set( new Uint8Array(view.buffer, view.byteOffset, view.byteLength), start, ); }
toJSON(): T { return (this.constructor as typeof ObjectView).decode<T>(this, 0); }
static initialize<T extends object>( schema: ViewSchema<T>, Factory: View, constructor?: Constructor<T>, ): ViewConstructor<T, ComplexView<T>> { const { getDefaultConstructor, getDefaultData } = Factory .constructor as typeof View; const fields = Object.keys(!) as Array<keyof T>; const layout = {} as ViewLayout<T>; let lastOffset = 0; for (const property of fields) { const field =![property]; const fieldLayout = Factory.getFieldLayout( field, lastOffset, true, property as string, ); lastOffset += fieldLayout.length; layout[property] = fieldLayout; } const defaultData = getDefaultData(layout, lastOffset, fields); const ObjectConstructor = constructor || getDefaultConstructor(fields, layout); return class extends this<T> { static viewLength = lastOffset; static layout = layout; static fields = fields; static defaultData = defaultData; static ObjectConstructor = ObjectConstructor; }; }}