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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
/** * Lookup table for powers of 2 */export const log2: Record<number, number> = { 1: 0, 2: 1, 4: 2, 8: 3, 16: 4, 32: 5, 64: 6, 128: 7, 256: 8, 512: 9, 1024: 10, 2048: 11, 4096: 12, 8192: 13, 16384: 14, 32768: 15, 65536: 16, 131072: 17, 262144: 18, 524288: 19, 1048576: 20, 2097152: 21, 4194304: 22, 8388608: 23, 16777216: 24, 33554432: 25, 67108864: 26, 134217728: 27, 268435456: 28, 536870912: 29, 1073741824: 30, 2147483648: 31,};
/** * Counts set bits in a given number. * * @param value the number * @return the amount of set bits */export function popCount32(value: number): number { const a = value - ((value >> 1) & 0x55555555); const b = (a & 0x33333333) + ((a >> 2) & 0x33333333); return (((b + (b >> 4)) & 0xf0f0f0f) * 0x1010101) >> 24;}
/** * Returns the index of the Least Significant Bit in a number. * * @param value the number * @return the index of LSB */export function getLSBIndex(value: number): number { if (value === 2147483648) return 31; return log2[value & -value];}
/** * Returns the minimum amount of bits necessary to hold a given number. * * @param number the number * @return the amount of bits necessary */export function getBitSize(number: number): number { if (number < 281474976710656) return (Math.log2(number) | 0) + 1; const n = BigInt(number); const [zero, one, two] = [BigInt(0), BigInt(1), BigInt(2)]; let high = BigInt(53); let low = BigInt(48);
while (high - low > one) { const mid = (high + low) / two; const maskHigh = (one << high) - (one << mid); if ((maskHigh & n) > zero) { low = mid; } else { high = mid; } } return Number(low + one);}
export function getLog2(value: number): number { return Math.ceil(Math.log2(value));}