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Data structures for high-performance JavaScript applications.
// deno-lint-ignore-file ban-typesimport type { UnknownViewConstructor, ViewConstructor, ViewFieldLayout, ViewInstance, ViewLayout, ViewSchema,} from "./view-types.ts";import { BooleanView } from "./boolean-view.ts";import { BigInt64View, BigUint64View, Float32View, Float64View, Int16View, Int32View, Int8View, Uint16View, Uint32View, Uint8View,} from "./numeric-view.ts";import { ObjectView } from "./object-view.ts";import { ArrayView } from "./array-view.ts";import { VectorView } from "./vector-view.ts";import { MapView } from "./map-view.ts";import { DictView } from "./dict-view.ts";import { StringView } from "./string-view.ts";import { TypedArrayView } from "./typed-array-view.ts";import { BinaryView } from "./binary-view.ts";import { log2 } from "./utilities.ts";import type { Constructor } from "./utility-types.ts";
export class View { Views = new Map<string, UnknownViewConstructor>([ ["array", ArrayView], ["typedarray", TypedArrayView], ["vector", VectorView], ["object", ObjectView as unknown as UnknownViewConstructor], ["map", MapView as UnknownViewConstructor], ["dict", DictView as UnknownViewConstructor], ["int8", Int8View], ["uint8", Uint8View], ["int16", Int16View], ["uint16", Uint16View], ["int32", Int32View], ["number", Float64View], ["integer", Int32View], ["uint32", Uint32View], ["float32", Float32View], ["float64", Float64View], ["bigint64", BigInt64View], ["biguint64", BigUint64View], ["boolean", BooleanView], ["string", StringView], ["binary", BinaryView], ]); TaggedViews = new Map<number, UnknownViewConstructor>(); static AbstractViews = new Set([ "object", "array", "typedarray", "vector", "map", "dict", ]);
constructor(public maxView = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8192))) { }
create<T>( schema: ViewSchema<T>, constructor?: T extends object ? Constructor<T> : never, ): ViewConstructor<T> { const { getSchemaId, getSchemaOrdering } = this .constructor as typeof View; const schemas = getSchemaOrdering(schema as ViewSchema<unknown>); for (let i = schemas.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const objectSchema = schemas[i]; const id = getSchemaId(objectSchema); if (this.Views.has(id)) continue; // use provided constructor for top object const objectCtor = objectSchema === schema ? constructor : undefined; const View = objectSchema.btype === "map" ? this.Views.get("map")!.initialize(objectSchema, this, objectCtor) : objectSchema.btype === "dict" ? this.Views.get("dict")!.initialize(objectSchema, this) : this.Views.get("object")!.initialize(objectSchema, this, objectCtor); // cache the view by id this.Views.set(id, View); // cache by tag if present const tag = this.getSchemaTag(objectSchema); if (tag) this.TaggedViews.set(tag, View); } if (schema.type === "array") return this.getArray<T>(schema)[0]; return this.getExistingView<T>(schema); }
view<T>(view: DataView): ViewInstance<T> | undefined { const tag = this.getTag(view); const ViewClass = this.TaggedViews.get(tag); if (!ViewClass) return undefined; return new (ViewClass as ViewConstructor<T>)(view.buffer, view.byteOffset); }
decode<T>(view: DataView): T | undefined { const tag = this.getTag(view); const ViewClass = this.TaggedViews.get(tag); if (!ViewClass) return undefined; return (ViewClass as ViewConstructor<T>).decode(view, 0); }
encode<T extends { tag: number }>( value: T, view?: DataView, offset = 0, ): ViewInstance<T> | undefined { const ViewClass = this.TaggedViews.get(value.tag) as ViewConstructor<T>; if (!ViewClass) return undefined; if (!view) return ViewClass.from(value); ViewClass.encode(value, view, offset); return new ViewClass(view.buffer, view.byteOffset); }
getTag(view: DataView): number { return view.getUint8(0); }
getSchemaTag( schema: ViewSchema<object>, ): number | undefined { const tag = ( as { tag: ViewSchema<unknown> })?.tag ?.default; return typeof tag === "number" ? tag : undefined; }
getArray<T>( schema: ViewSchema<T>, ): [view: ViewConstructor<T>, length: number] { const { getSchemaId } = this.constructor as typeof View; const arrays: Array<ViewSchema<Array<unknown>>> = []; let currentField = schema as ViewSchema<unknown>; // go down the array(s) to the item field while (currentField && currentField.type === "array") { arrays.push(currentField as ViewSchema<Array<unknown>>); currentField = currentField.items!; } let currentArray = arrays.pop()!; // get existing view of the item const itemView = this.getExistingView(currentField); // check const itemId = getSchemaId(currentField as ViewSchema<unknown>); const isArray = currentArray.btype !== "vector"; const viewId = isArray ? `ArrayView_${itemId}` : `VectorView_${itemId}`; let CurrentView: UnknownViewConstructor; if (!this.Views.has(viewId)) { CurrentView = isArray ? this.getArrayView( currentField, itemView, currentField.maxLength, ) : this.Views.get("vector")!.initialize( currentField, this, itemView, ); // cache array views of unspecified length if (currentField.maxLength === undefined) { this.Views.set(viewId, CurrentView); } } else { CurrentView = this.Views.get(viewId)!; } // initialize nested arrays let itemLength = isArray ? CurrentView.getLength(currentArray.maxItems) : 0; for (let i = arrays.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { currentArray = arrays[i]; if (currentArray.btype !== "vector") { CurrentView = this.getArrayView( currentArray.items as ViewSchema<unknown>, CurrentView as ViewConstructor<unknown>, itemLength, ); itemLength = CurrentView.getLength(currentArray.maxItems); } else { CurrentView = this.Views.get("vector")!.initialize( currentArray.items, this, CurrentView, ); } } return [(CurrentView as unknown) as ViewConstructor<T>, itemLength]; }
getArrayView<T>( schema: ViewSchema<T>, SchemaView?: ViewConstructor<T>, length?: number, ): ViewConstructor<Array<T>> { const itemLength = length || SchemaView?.viewLength; const isTypedArray = Reflect.has(log2, itemLength!); return this.Views.get(isTypedArray ? "typedarray" : "array")! .initialize(schema, this, SchemaView, itemLength) as ViewConstructor< Array<T> >; }
static getDefaultData<T extends unknown>( layout: ViewLayout<T>, viewLength: number, fields: Array<keyof T>, ): Uint8Array { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(viewLength); const view = new DataView(buffer); const array = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (const name of fields) { const field = layout[name]; if (Reflect.has(field, "default")) { field.View.encode(field.default!, view, field.start, field.length); } else if (field.View.defaultData) { array.set(field.View.defaultData, field.start); } } return array; }
static getDefaultConstructor<T>( fields: Array<keyof T>, layout: ViewLayout<T>, ): Constructor<T> { const content: Array<string> = []; for (const field of fields) { const View: ViewConstructor<unknown, unknown> = layout[field].View; let value = ""; switch (View) { case Int8View: case Int16View: case Uint16View: case Uint8View: case Int32View: value = "0"; break; case Float32View: case Float64View: value = "0.0"; break; case BigInt64View: case BigUint64View: value = "0n"; break; case BooleanView: value = "false"; break; case StringView: value = "''"; break; default: value = "null"; } content.push(`${field}:${value}`); } return new Function( "return {" + content.join(",") + "}", ) as Constructor<T>; }
getExistingView<T>(schema: ViewSchema<T>): ViewConstructor<T> { const { AbstractViews } = this.constructor as typeof View; let type = schema.$id || schema.$ref?.slice(1); if (type) { if (!this.Views.has(type)) throw Error(`View "${type}" is not found.`); } else { type = schema.btype || schema.type; if (!this.Views.has(type)) { throw TypeError(`Type "${type}" is not supported.`); } else if (AbstractViews.has(type)) { throw TypeError(`Type ${type} is abstract.`); } } return this.Views.get(type) as ViewConstructor<T>; }
getFieldLayout<T>( field: ViewSchema<T>, start: number, required: boolean, name: string, ): ViewFieldLayout<T> { let View: ViewConstructor<T>; let length = 0; if (field.type !== "array") { View = this.getExistingView(field); length = field.maxLength || View.viewLength; } else { [View, length] = this.getArray(field); } if (!length) length = Infinity; if (required && length === Infinity) { throw new TypeError( `The length of a required field "${name}" is undefined.`, ); } const layout: ViewFieldLayout<T> = { start, View, length, required }; if (Reflect.has(field, "default")) { layout.default = (field.default as unknown) as T; } return layout; }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any static getSchemaId(schema: ViewSchema<any>): string { return schema.$id || schema.$ref?.slice(1) || schema.btype || schema.type; }
static getSchemaOrdering( schema: ViewSchema<unknown>, ): Array<ViewSchema<object>> { // create graph let object = schema; // reach the nested object if an array is provided while (object.type === "array") object = object.items!; // return if no object found if (object.type !== "object") return []; const mainId = object.$id!; let id = mainId; const objects = { [id]: object }; const adjacency: Record<string, Array<string>> = { [id]: [] }; const indegrees = { [id]: 0 }; const processing = [id]; while (processing.length) { id = processing.pop()!; object = objects[id]; if (! continue; const properties = Object.keys(; for (const property of properties) { let field = (! as Record<string, ViewSchema<unknown>>)[property]; if (field.type === "array") { while (field.type === "array") field = field.items!; } const { $id, $ref } = field; if ($id) { objects[$id] = field; adjacency[id].push($id); adjacency[$id] = []; indegrees[$id] = indegrees[$id] ? indegrees[$id] + 1 : 1; processing.push($id); } else if ($ref) { const refId = $ref.slice(1); indegrees[refId] = indegrees[refId] ? indegrees[refId] + 1 : 1; adjacency[id].push(refId); } } }
// topologically sort the graph let visited = 0; const order: Array<ViewSchema<object>> = []; processing.push(mainId); while (processing.length) { id = processing.shift()!; const children = adjacency[id]; if (!children) continue; // $ref no external links order.push(objects[id] as ViewSchema<object>); for (const child of children) { indegrees[child] -= 1; if (indegrees[child] === 0) processing.push(child); } visited++; } // check for recursive links if (visited !== Object.keys(objects).length) { throw TypeError("The schema has recursive references."); } return order; }}