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Simple Snapshot Assertion in Deno
import { assertStrictEquals } from '';import * as path from '';import * as fs from '';
/** * Setup snapshot directory and file and dynamically import as ES Module. * * The imported module can have a number of named exports to compare. * If not, it will write the string version of `actual` to it. * * _**PLEASE REVIEW TO THE CHANGES CAREFULLY.**_ * * @param file The current test file, it should always be `import.meta.url`. * @returns (actual, name) function * - `actual` should be the actual object to stringify. * - `name` to use as the named export in the snapshot module. * * ```ts * import { setupSnapshot } from ''; * * const assertSnapshot = await setupSnapshot(import.meta.url); * * test('...', () => { * assertSnapshot(actual, 'named export') * }) * ``` */export async function setupSnapshot(file: string) { file = path.fromFileUrl(path.normalize(file)); file = path.join( path.dirname(file), '__snapshots__', path.basename(file) + '.txt', ); await fs.ensureFile(file); const exported = await import(path.toFileUrl(file).href);
return (actual: unknown, name: string) => { name = name.trim().replace(/([^a-zA-Z])/g, '_'); const expected = exported[name]; actual = typeof actual === 'string' ? actual : JSON.stringify(actual, null, 2); if (expected) { assertStrictEquals(actual, expected, 'Snapshot mismatched.'); } else { const data = `export const ${name} = \`${actual}\`;\n\n`; Deno.writeTextFileSync(file, data, { append: true }); } };}