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Super-agent driven library for testing Deno HTTP servers.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any no-empty-interface no-misused-new ban-types no-this-alias/** * Port of supertest ( for Deno. * * Types adapted from: * - * - */
import type { ExpressListenerLike, ExpressServerLike, ListenerLike, ServerLike,} from "./types.ts";import { assertEquals, getFreePort, STATUS_TEXT, StatusCode } from "../deps.ts";import { superagent } from "./superagent.ts";import { close } from "./close.ts";import { isExpressListener, isExpressServer, isListener, isServer, isStdNativeServer, isString,} from "./utils.ts";import { exposeSham } from "./xhrSham.js";
export function random(min: number, max: number): number { return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;}
/** * Custom expectation checker. */type ExpectChecker = (res: IResponse) => any;
/** * The handler function for callbacks within `end` method. */type CallbackHandler = (err: any, res: IResponse) => void;
type Serializer = (obj: any) => string;
type Parser = (str: string) => any;
type MultipartValueSingle = | Blob | Uint8Array | Deno.Reader | string | boolean | number;
type MultipartValue = MultipartValueSingle | MultipartValueSingle[];
type HeaderValue = string | string[];type Header = { [key: string]: HeaderValue };
/** * An HTTP error with additional properties of: * - status * - text * - method * - path */interface HTTPError extends Error { status: number; text: string; method: string; path: string;}
interface XMLHttpRequest {}
export interface IResponse { accepted: boolean; badRequest: boolean; body: any; charset: string; clientError: boolean; error: false | HTTPError; files: any; forbidden: boolean; get(header: string): HeaderValue; header: Header; headers: Header; info: boolean; links: object; noContent: boolean; notAcceptable: boolean; notFound: boolean; ok: boolean; redirect: boolean; serverError: boolean; status: number; statusCode: number; statusType: number; statusText: string; text: string; type: string; unauthorized: boolean; xhr: XMLHttpRequest; redirects: string[];}
export interface IRequest extends Promise<IResponse> { /** * Initialize a new `Request` with the given `method` and `url`. * * @param {string} method * @param {string} url */ new (method: string, url: string): IRequest;
agent(agent?: any): this;
cookies: string; method: string; url: string;
abort(): void; accept(type: string): this; attach( field: string, file: MultipartValueSingle, options?: string | { filename?: string; contentType?: string }, ): this; auth(user: string, pass: string, options?: { type: "basic" | "auto" }): this; auth(token: string, options: { type: "bearer" }): this; buffer(val?: boolean): this; ca(cert: any | any[]): this; cert(cert: any | any[]): this; clearTimeout(): this; disableTLSCerts(): this; end(callback?: CallbackHandler): void; field(name: string, val: MultipartValue): this; field(fields: { [fieldName: string]: MultipartValue }): this; get(field: string): string; http2(enable?: boolean): this; key(cert: any | any[]): this; ok(callback: (res: IResponse) => boolean): this; on(name: "error", handler: (err: any) => void): this; on(name: "progress", handler: (event: ProgressEvent) => void): this; on(name: "response", handler: (response: IResponse) => void): this; on(name: string, handler: (event: any) => void): this; parse(parser: Parser): this; part(): this; pfx( cert: any | any[] | { pfx: string | any; passphrase: string; }, ): this; pipe(stream: any, options?: object): any; query(val: object | string): this; redirects(n: number): this; responseType(type: string): this; retry(count?: number, callback?: CallbackHandler): this; send(data?: string | object): this; serialize(serializer: Serializer): this; set(field: object): this; set(field: string, val: string): this; set(field: "Cookie", val: string[]): this; timeout(ms: number | { deadline?: number; response?: number }): this; trustLocalhost(enabled?: boolean): this; type(val: string): this; unset(field: string): this; use(fn: Plugin): this; withCredentials(): this; write(data: string | any, encoding?: string): boolean; maxResponseSize(size: number): this;}
type Plugin = (req: IRequest) => void;
/** * Allow us to hang off our internal xhr sham promises without * exposing the internals to the consumer. */const SHAM_SYMBOL = Symbol("SHAM_SYMBOL");exposeSham(SHAM_SYMBOL);
/** * Ensures all promises within the xhr sham have completed. * * @private */async function completeXhrPromises() { for ( const promise of Object.values( (window as any)[SHAM_SYMBOL].promises, ) ) { if (promise) { try { await promise; } catch (_) { // swallow } } }}
/** * The superagent Request class. */const SuperRequest: IRequest = (superagent as any).Request;
/** * The SuperDeno Test object extends the methods provided by superagent to provide * a high-level abstraction for testing HTTP, while still allowing you to drop down * to the lower-level API provided by superagent. */export class Test extends SuperRequest { #asserts!: any[]; #redirects: number; #redirectList: string[]; #server!: ServerLike; #serverSetupPromise: Promise<void>; #urlSetupPromise: Promise<void>;
public app: string | ListenerLike | ServerLike; public url!: string;
constructor( app: string | ListenerLike | ServerLike, method: string, path: string, host?: string, secure: boolean = false, ) { super(method.toUpperCase(), path); this.redirects(0); this.#redirects = 0; this.#redirectList = []; = app; this.#asserts = [];
let serverSetupPromiseResolver!: () => void; let addressSetupPromiseResolver!: () => void;
this.#serverSetupPromise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => { serverSetupPromiseResolver = resolve; }); this.#urlSetupPromise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => { addressSetupPromiseResolver = resolve; });
if (isString(app)) { this.url = `${app}${path}`;
serverSetupPromiseResolver(); addressSetupPromiseResolver(); } else { if (isStdNativeServer(app)) { const listenAndServePromise = app.listenAndServe().catch((err) => close(app, app, err) );
this.#server = { async close() { try { app.close(); await listenAndServePromise; } catch { // swallow error } }, addrs: app.addrs, async listenAndServe() {}, };
serverSetupPromiseResolver(); } else if (isExpressServer(app)) { this.#server = app as ExpressServerLike;
const expressResolver = async () => { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1)); serverSetupPromiseResolver(); };
if (!this.#server.listening) { (this.#server as ExpressServerLike).once( "listening", expressResolver, ); } else { expressResolver(); } } else if (isServer(app)) { this.#server = app as ServerLike;
serverSetupPromiseResolver(); } else if (isExpressListener(app)) { secure = false;
const expressResolver = async () => { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1)); serverSetupPromiseResolver(); };
getFreePort(random(1024, 49151)).then( (freePort) => { this.#server = (app as ExpressListenerLike).listen( freePort, expressResolver, ); }, ); } else if (isListener(app)) { secure = false;
this.#server = (app as ListenerLike).listen(":0");
serverSetupPromiseResolver(); } else { serverSetupPromiseResolver(); addressSetupPromiseResolver();
throw new Error( "superdeno is unable to identify or create a valid test server", ); }
this.#setServerAddress(addressSetupPromiseResolver, path, host, secure); } }
/** * Returns a URL, extracted from a server. * * @param {string} path * @param {?string} host * @param {?boolean} secure * * @returns {string} URL address * @private */ #setServerAddress = async ( addressSetupPromiseResolver: () => void, path: string, host?: string, secure?: boolean, ) => { await this.#serverSetupPromise;
const address = ("addrs" in this.#server ? this.#server.addrs[0] : "address" in this.#server ? this.#server.address() : this.#server.listener.addr) as Deno.NetAddr;
const port = address.port; const protocol = secure ? "https" : "http"; const url = `${protocol}://${(host || "")}:${port}${path}`;
this.url = url;
addressSetupPromiseResolver(); };
/** * Expectations: * * .expect(fn) * * @param {ExpectChecker} callback * * @returns {Test} for chaining * @public */ expect(callback: ExpectChecker): this; /** * Expectations: * * .expect(200) * .expect(200, fn) * * @param {number} status * @param {?CallbackHandler} callback * * @returns {Test} for chaining * @public */ expect(status: number, callback?: CallbackHandler): this; /** * Expectations: * * .expect(200, body) * .expect(200, body, fn) * * @param {number} status * @param {any} body * @param {?CallbackHandler} callback * * @returns {Test} for chaining * @public */ expect(status: number, body: any, callback?: CallbackHandler): this; /** * Expectations: * * .expect('Some body') * .expect(/Some body/i) * .expect('Some body', fn) * * @param {string|RegExp|Object} body * @param {?CallbackHandler} callback * * @returns {Test} for chaining * @public */ expect(body: string | RegExp | Object, callback?: CallbackHandler): this; /** * Expectations: * * .expect('Content-Type', 'application/json') * .expect('Content-Type', /application/g', fn) * * @param {string} field * @param {string|RegExp|Object} value * @param {?CallbackHandler} callback * * @returns {Test} for chaining * @public */ expect( field: string, value: string | RegExp | number, callback?: CallbackHandler, ): this; expect(a: any, b?: any, c?: any): this { // callback if (typeof a === "function") { this.#asserts.push(a); return this; } if (typeof b === "function") this.end(b); if (typeof c === "function") this.end(c);
// status if (typeof a === "number") { this.#asserts.push(this.#assertStatus.bind(this, a)); // body if (typeof b !== "function" && arguments.length > 1) { this.#asserts.push(this.#assertBody.bind(this, b)); } return this; }
// header field if (typeof b === "string" || typeof b === "number" || b instanceof RegExp) { this.#asserts.push( this.#assertHeader.bind(this, { name: "" + a, value: b }), ); return this; }
// body this.#asserts.push(this.#assertBody.bind(this, a));
return this; }
#redirect = (res: IResponse, callback?: CallbackHandler): this => { const url = res.headers.location as string;
if (!url) { close(this.#server,, undefined, async () => { await completeXhrPromises(); callback?.(new Error("No location header for redirect"), res); });
return this; }
const parsedUrl = new URL(url, this.url); const changesOrigin = !== new URL(this.url).host;
let headers = (this as any)._header;
// implementation of 302 following defacto standard if (res.statusCode === 301 || res.statusCode === 302) { // strip Content-* related fields in case of POST etc. headers = cleanHeader(headers, changesOrigin);
// force GET this.method = this.method === "HEAD" ? "HEAD" : "GET";
// clear data (this as any)._data = null; }
// 303 is always GET if (res.statusCode === 303) { // strip Content-* related fields in case of POST etc. headers = cleanHeader(headers, changesOrigin);
// force method this.method = "GET";
// clear data (this as any)._data = null; }
// 307 preserves method // 308 preserves method delete;
delete (this as any)._formData;
(this as any)._endCalled = false; this.url = parsedUrl.href; (this as any).qs = {}; (this as any)._query = []; this.set(headers); (this as any).emit("redirect", res); this.#redirectList.push(this.url);
return this; };
/** * Defer invoking superagent's `.end()` until * the server is listening. * * @param {CallbackHandler} fn * * @returns {Test} for chaining * @public */ end(callback?: CallbackHandler): this { Promise.allSettled([this.#serverSetupPromise, this.#urlSetupPromise]).then( () => { const self = this; const end = SuperRequest.prototype.end; self, function (err: any, res: any) { // Before we close, ensure that we have handled all // requested redirects const redirect = isRedirect(res?.statusCode); const max: number = (self as any)._maxRedirects;
if (redirect && self.#redirects++ !== max) { return self.#redirect(res, callback); }
return close(self.#server,, undefined, async () => { await completeXhrPromises();
// REF: await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 20));
self.#assert(err, res, callback); }); }, ); }, );
return this; }
/** * Perform assertions and invoke `fn(err, res)`. * * @param {HTTPError} [resError] * @param {IResponse} res * @param {Function} fn * @private */ #assert = (resError: HTTPError, res: IResponse, fn?: Function): void => { let error;
if (!res && resError) { error = resError; }
// asserts for (let i = 0; i < this.#asserts.length && !error; i += 1) { error = this.#assertFunction(this.#asserts[i], res); }
// set unexpected superagent error if no other error has occurred. if ( !error && resError instanceof Error && (!res || (resError as any).status !== res.status) ) { error = resError; }
if (fn), error || null, res); };
/** * Perform assertions on a response body and return an Error upon failure. * * @param {any} body * @param {IResponse} res * * @returns {?Error} * @private */ #assertBody = function (body: any, res: IResponse): Error | void { const isRegExp = body instanceof RegExp;
// parsed if (typeof body === "object" && !isRegExp) { try { assertEquals(body, res.body); } catch (_) { const a = Deno.inspect(body); const b = Deno.inspect(res.body);
return error( `expected ${a} response body, got ${b}`, body, res.body, ); } } else if (body !== res.text) { // string const a = Deno.inspect(body); const b = Deno.inspect(res.text);
// regexp if (isRegExp) { if (!body.test(res.text)) { return error( `expected body ${b} to match ${body}`, body, res.body, ); } } else { return error( `expected ${a} response body, got ${b}`, body, res.body, ); } } };
/** * Perform assertions on a response header and return an Error upon failure. * * @param {any} header * @param {IResponse} res * * @returns {?Error} * @private */ #assertHeader = ( header: { name: string; value: string | number | RegExp }, res: IResponse, ): Error | void => { const field =; const actual = res.headers[field.toLowerCase()]; const fieldExpected = header.value;
if (typeof actual === "undefined") { return new Error(`expected "${field}" header field`); }
// This check handles header values that may be a String or single element Array if ( (Array.isArray(actual) && actual.toString() === fieldExpected) || fieldExpected === actual ) { return; }
if (fieldExpected instanceof RegExp) { if (!fieldExpected.test(actual as string)) { return new Error( `expected "${field}" matching ${fieldExpected}, got "${actual}"`, ); } } else { return new Error( `expected "${field}" of "${fieldExpected}", got "${actual}"`, ); } };
/** * Perform assertions on the response status and return an Error upon failure. * * @param {number} status * @param {IResponse} res * * @returns {?Error} * @private */ #assertStatus = (status: number, res: IResponse): Error | void => { if (res.status !== status) { const a = STATUS_TEXT[status as StatusCode]; const b = STATUS_TEXT[res.status as StatusCode];
return new Error(`expected ${status} "${a}", got ${res.status} "${b}"`); } };
/** * Performs an assertion by calling a function and return an Error upon failure. * * @param {Function} fn * @param {IResponse} res * * @returns {?Error} * @private */ #assertFunction = (fn: Function, res: IResponse): Error | void => { let err;
try { err = fn(res); } catch (e) { err = e; }
if (err instanceof Error) return err; };}
/** * Return an `Error` with `msg` and results properties. * * @param {string} msg * @param {any} expected * @param {any} actual * * @returns {Error} * @private */function error(msg: string, expected: any, actual: any): Error { const err = new Error(msg);
(err as any).expected = expected; (err as any).actual = actual; (err as any).showDiff = true;
return err;}
/** * Check if we should follow the redirect `code`. * * @param {number} code * * @returns {boolean} * @private */function isRedirect(code = 0) { return [301, 302, 303, 305, 307, 308].includes(code);}
/** * Strip content related fields from `header`. * * @param {object} header * * @returns {object} header * @private */function cleanHeader(header: Header, changesOrigin: boolean) { delete header["content-type"]; delete header["content-length"]; delete header["transfer-encoding"]; delete;
if (changesOrigin) { delete header.authorization; delete header.cookie; }
return header;}
/** * Initialize internal header tracking properties on a request instance. * * @param {object} req the instance * @private */function initHeaders(req: any) { req._header = {}; req.header = {};}