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A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
import { toFailures, shiftIterator, StructSchema, run } from './utils'import { StructError, Failure } from './error'
/** * `Struct` objects encapsulate the validation logic for a specific type of * values. Once constructed, you use the `assert`, `is` or `validate` helpers to * validate unknown input data against the struct. */
export class Struct<T = unknown, S = unknown> { readonly TYPE!: T type: string schema: S coercer: (value: unknown, context: Context) => unknown validator: (value: unknown, context: Context) => Iterable<Failure> refiner: (value: T, context: Context) => Iterable<Failure> entries: ( value: unknown, context: Context ) => Iterable<[string | number, unknown, Struct<any> | Struct<never>]>
constructor(props: { type: string schema: S coercer?: Coercer validator?: Validator refiner?: Refiner<T> entries?: Struct<T, S>['entries'] }) { const { type, schema, validator, refiner, coercer = (value: unknown) => value, entries = function* () {}, } = props
this.type = type this.schema = schema this.entries = entries this.coercer = coercer
if (validator) { this.validator = (value, context) => { const result = validator(value, context) return toFailures(result, context, this, value) } } else { this.validator = () => [] }
if (refiner) { this.refiner = (value, context) => { const result = refiner(value, context) return toFailures(result, context, this, value) } } else { this.refiner = () => [] } }
/** * Assert that a value passes the struct's validation, throwing if it doesn't. */
assert(value: unknown, message?: string): asserts value is T { return assert(value, this, message) }
/** * Create a value with the struct's coercion logic, then validate it. */
create(value: unknown, message?: string): T { return create(value, this, message) }
/** * Check if a value passes the struct's validation. */
is(value: unknown): value is T { return is(value, this) }
/** * Mask a value, coercing and validating it, but returning only the subset of * properties defined by the struct's schema. */
mask(value: unknown, message?: string): T { return mask(value, this, message) }
/** * Validate a value with the struct's validation logic, returning a tuple * representing the result. * * You may optionally pass `true` for the `withCoercion` argument to coerce * the value before attempting to validate it. If you do, the result will * contain the coerced result when successful. */
validate( value: unknown, options: { coerce?: boolean message?: string } = {} ): [StructError, undefined] | [undefined, T] { return validate(value, this, options) }}
/** * Assert that a value passes a struct, throwing if it doesn't. */
export function assert<T, S>( value: unknown, struct: Struct<T, S>, message?: string): asserts value is T { const result = validate(value, struct, { message })
if (result[0]) { throw result[0] }}
/** * Create a value with the coercion logic of struct and validate it. */
export function create<T, S>( value: unknown, struct: Struct<T, S>, message?: string): T { const result = validate(value, struct, { coerce: true, message })
if (result[0]) { throw result[0] } else { return result[1] }}
/** * Mask a value, returning only the subset of properties defined by a struct. */
export function mask<T, S>( value: unknown, struct: Struct<T, S>, message?: string): T { const result = validate(value, struct, { coerce: true, mask: true, message })
if (result[0]) { throw result[0] } else { return result[1] }}
/** * Check if a value passes a struct. */
export function is<T, S>(value: unknown, struct: Struct<T, S>): value is T { const result = validate(value, struct) return !result[0]}
/** * Validate a value against a struct, returning an error if invalid, or the * value (with potential coercion) if valid. */
export function validate<T, S>( value: unknown, struct: Struct<T, S>, options: { coerce?: boolean mask?: boolean message?: string } = {}): [StructError, undefined] | [undefined, T] { const tuples = run(value, struct, options) const tuple = shiftIterator(tuples)!
if (tuple[0]) { const error = new StructError(tuple[0], function* () { for (const t of tuples) { if (t[0]) { yield t[0] } } })
return [error, undefined] } else { const v = tuple[1] return [undefined, v] }}
/** * A `Context` contains information about the current location of the * validation inside the initial input value. */
export type Context = { branch: Array<any> path: Array<any>}
/** * A type utility to extract the type from a `Struct` class. */
export type Infer<T extends Struct<any, any>> = T['TYPE']
/** * A type utility to describe that a struct represents a TypeScript type. */
export type Describe<T> = Struct<T, StructSchema<T>>
/** * A `Result` is returned from validation functions. */
export type Result = | boolean | string | Partial<Failure> | Iterable<boolean | string | Partial<Failure>>
/** * A `Coercer` takes an unknown value and optionally coerces it. */
export type Coercer<T = unknown> = (value: T, context: Context) => unknown
/** * A `Validator` takes an unknown value and validates it. */
export type Validator = (value: unknown, context: Context) => Result
/** * A `Refiner` takes a value of a known type and validates it against a further * constraint. */
export type Refiner<T> = (value: T, context: Context) => Result