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No bundle frontend by service-worker
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import type { RevalidateCommand } from "./../types.ts";import ts from "typescript";import hash from "string-hash";import { compile as svelteCompile, preprocess } from "svelte/compiler";import type { Preprocessor } from "svelte/types/compiler/preprocess/types";
const CACHE_VERSION = "v1";declare var self: any;declare var caches: any;declare var clients: any;
const log = (...args: any) =>"[swdev-worker]", ...args);
self.addEventListener("install", (ev: any) => ev.waitUntil(self.skipWaiting()));
self.addEventListener("activate", (ev: any) => ev.waitUntil(self.clients.claim()));
const TARGET_EXTENSIONS = [".ts", ".tsx", ".svelte"];
self.addEventListener("fetch", (event: FetchEvent) => { const [url, _hash] = event.request.url.split("?"); if (url.endsWith("/__swdev/revalidate")) { // log("revalidate"); event.respondWith(handleRevalidateRequest(event)); } if (TARGET_EXTENSIONS.some((ext) => url.endsWith(ext))) { // log("handle with transform", event.request.url); event.respondWith(respondWithTransform(event)); }});
async function resolveContentByRequest(request: Request) { const res = await fetch(request); if (!res.ok) { throw new Error(`faild to fetch: ${request.url}`); } return res.text();}
async function resolveContent(url: string) { const res = await fetch(url); if (!res.ok) { throw new Error(`faild to fetch: ${url}`); } return res.text();}
async function handleRevalidateRequest(event: FetchEvent): Promise<Response> { const cmd: RevalidateCommand = await event.request.json(); const cache = await; await Promise.all( (path: string) => { try { await cache.delete(path); log("revalidated", path); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }) ); return new Response(event.request.url, { // @ts-ignore mode: "no-cors", status: 200, });}
async function transform(url: string, code: string): Promise<string> { const newHash = hash(code); const header = `/* SWDEV-HASH:${newHash} */\n`; if (url.endsWith(".ts") || url.endsWith(".tsx")) { const result = ts.transpile(code, { target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019, module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext, jsx: ts.JsxEmit.React, }); return header + result; } else if (url.endsWith(".svelte")) { const { code: preprocessed } = await preprocess(code, [tsPreprocess()], { filename: "$.tsx", }); const compiled = svelteCompile(preprocessed, { css: false, hydratable: true, }); return header + compiled.js.code; } else { throw new Error(`unknown extension: ${url}`); }}
async function createNewResponseWithCache( url: string, newCode: string, saveCache: boolean = true) { let output = await transform(url, newCode); if (!saveCache) { output = output.replace( /import\s+(.*)\s+from\s+['"](\..*)['"]/gi, `import $1 from "$2?nocache-${Math.random()}"` ); } const modifiedResponse = new Response(output, { // @ts-ignore mode: "no-cors", headers: { "Content-Type": "text/javascript", }, }); if (saveCache) { const cache = await; await cache.put(url, modifiedResponse.clone()); } return modifiedResponse;}
async function respondWithTransform(event: FetchEvent): Promise<Response> { const [url, hash] = event.request.url.split("?"); const useCache = !hash.startsWith("nocache"); if (useCache) { const cache = await; const matched = await cache.match(new Request(url)); if (matched) { const text = await matched.text(); const newCode = text.replace( /import\s+(.*)\s+from\s+['"](\..*)['"]/gi, `import $1 from "$2?${Math.random()}"` ); // console.log("[swdev:debug]", newCode); return new Response(newCode, { // @ts-ignore mode: "no-cors", status: 200, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/javascript", }, }); } } const raw = await resolveContentByRequest(event.request); return createNewResponseWithCache(url, raw, useCache);}
const tsPreprocess = () => { const script: Preprocessor = async ({ content, filename }: any) => { const out = ts.transpile(content, { fileName: filename ?? "/$$.tsx", target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019, }); return { code: out }; }; return { script, };};