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No bundle frontend by service-worker
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import { preprocess, compile as svelteCompile,} from "";
import ts from "";import { Plugin } from "";import { exists } from "";import * as path from "";import { minify } from "";
// cache in tmpconst TS_CODE_PATH = "/tmp/_tscode.js";let tsCode: string | null = await Deno.readTextFile(TS_CODE_PATH).catch( (_e) => null);
export const loadTs = () => ({ name: "ts-in-rollup", resolveId(id: string) { if (id === "typescript") { return id; } }, async load(id: string) { if (id === "typescript") { if (tsCode != null) return tsCode; const code = await fetch( "" ).then((res) => res.text()); const rewrote = code .replace(/require\("perf_hooks"\)/, "{}") .replace(/require\("inspector"\)/, "{}"); tsCode = `globalThis.window = self;\n` + rewrote + `export default ts;\n`; await Deno.writeTextFile(TS_CODE_PATH, tsCode); return tsCode; } }, } as Plugin);
export const svelte = () => ({ name: "svelte", async transform(code: string, id: string) { if (id.endsWith(".svelte")) { const { code: preprocessed } = await preprocess( code, [tsPreprocess()], { filename: "$.tsx", } ); const compiled = svelteCompile(preprocessed, { css: false, }); return compiled.js.code; } return; }, } as Plugin);
const log = (...args: any) => console.log("[deno-loader]", ...args);
export const tsPreprocess = () => { const script: any = async ({ content, filename }: any) => { const out = ts.transpile(content, { fileName: filename ?? "/$$.tsx", target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019, }); return { code: out }; }; return { script, };};
export const transform = () => { return { name: "ts-transform", transform(code: string, id: string) { if (id.endsWith(".ts") || id.endsWith(".tsx")) { const out = ts.transpile(code, { target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019, }); return out; } return; }, } as Plugin;};
export const compress = () => { return { name: "minify", async transform(code: string, id: string) { const out = await minify(code, { module: true, }); return out.code; }, } as Plugin;};
export const denoLoader = () => ({ name: "deno-loader", async resolveId(id: string, importer: string | undefined) { const realpath = importer ? path.join(path.dirname(importer), id) : id; // console.log("[deno-loader:resolve]", realpath); // console.log("deno-loader:resolveId", id, importer); if (await exists(realpath)) { // console.log("deno-loader:resolveId]", realpath); return realpath; } return; }, async load(id: string) { if (await exists(id)) { const content = await Deno.readTextFile(id); // console.log("deno-loader:load", id, content.slice(0, 10), "..."); return content; } }, transform(code: string, id: string) { if (id.endsWith(".ts") || id.endsWith(".tsx")) { // console.log("deno-loader:transform", id); const out = ts.transpile(code, { filename: "$.tsx", target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019, jsx: ts.JsxEmit.React, }); return out; } return; }, } as Plugin);