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Deno Swiss Knife tools
import * as utils from "./src/utils.ts"import type { Screen, Monitor } from "./src/models/screen.ts"import type { SpeakOptions } from "./src/models/speakOptions.ts"import type { Find } from "./src/models/findMode.ts"import type { WinActions } from "./src/models/winActions.ts"import { PowerMode } from "./src/models/powerMode.ts";

/** * Speak a text using default configuration. * @date 12/23/2023 - 3:39:39 PM * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * let res = await swissKnife.speak("Hello from the other world") * ``` * @export * @async * @param {string} text input string to speak * @param {SpeakOptions} [options={ rate: 0, volume: 50 }] set the rate and volume * @returns {Promise<number>} the process exit code */export async function speak (text: string, options: SpeakOptions = { rate: 0, volume: 50 }): Promise<number> { const args = [ "speak", "text", text ];
if (!options.rate) { options.rate = 0 } if (!options.volume) { options.volume = 50 }
args.push(options.rate.toString()) args.push(options.volume.toString()) return (await runNirCmd(args))}
/** * Set the computer sound volume * @param volume from 0 (mute) to 100 (highest) * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * //Set the volume * await swissKnife.setVolume(90) //value between 0 to 100 * ``` * @returns the process exit code */export async function setVolume (volume: number): Promise<number> { const v = Math.floor(655.35 * volume) const args = [ "setsysvolume", v.toString() ]; return (await runNirCmd(args))}
/** * Mute the system sound * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.mute() * ``` * @returns the process exit code */export async function mute(): Promise<number> { return await toggleMute(1)}
/** * Unmute the system sound * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.unmute() * ``` * @returns the process exit code */export async function unmute(): Promise<number> { return await toggleMute(0)}

/** * Capture screenshot * @date 12/23/2023 - 3:35:02 PM * * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.screenshot("c:\\myfolder\\myfile.png") * ``` * * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * let res = await swissKnife.screenshot("c:\\myfolder\\myfile.png", "Dual") //take a screenshot of both screens * ``` * * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * let res = await swissKnife.screenshot("c:\\myfolder\\myfile.png", "Window") //Also you can specify the current active window * ``` * * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * let res = await swissKnife.screenshot("c:\\myfolder\\myfile.png", "Single", { * x: 10, * y: 30, * width: 200, * height: 150 * }) //The third parameter allows you to specify the coordinates, width and height of the area * ``` * @export * @async * @param {string} imagePath local path to save the PNG image * @param {Monitor} [monitor="Single"] Monitor options, "Single", "Dual", or "Window" * @param {?Screen} [screen] {x, y, width, height} Screen option * @returns {Promise<string>} the saved image path */export async function screenshot(imagePath: string, monitor: Monitor = "Single", screen?: Screen): Promise<string> {
let cmd = "savescreenshot" switch (monitor) { case "Dual": cmd = "savescreenshotfull" break;
case "Window": cmd = "savescreenshotwin" break; }
const args = [ cmd, imagePath ]
if (screen) { args.push(screen.x.toString()) args.push(screen.y.toString()) args.push(screen.width.toString()) args.push(screen.height.toString()) }
const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); if (exitCode === 0) { return imagePath; } else { return `Error: exit code ${exitCode}` }}
/** * Question Box dialog * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * let res = await swissKnife.questionBox("A Question", "Do you want to quite smoking?") * if (res) { * console.log("Great, keep trying!") * } else { * console.log("Not Great, but keep trying!") * } * ``` * @param title Question Box Title * @param text Question Box question text * @returns true if the user clicks YES */export async function questionBox(title: string, text: string): Promise<boolean> { const args = [ "qboxcom", text, title, "returnval", "0x30" ] const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); return exitCode === 48}
/** * InfoBox dialog * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.infoBox("Deno", "Deno is great!") * ``` * @param title InfoBox title * @param text InfoBox message * @returns the process exit code */export async function infoBox(title: string, text: string): Promise<number> { const args = [ "infobox", text, title ] const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); return exitCode}
/** * Play system beep * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.beep(500, 1000) //play 500 hz for 1 sec. * ``` * @param frequency Beep frequency * @param duration Beep duration in milliseconds * @returns the process exit code */export async function beep(frequency: number, duration: number): Promise<number> { const args = [ "beep", frequency.toString(), duration.toString(), ] const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); return exitCode}
/** * Play Windows system notification sound * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.winBeep() * ``` * @returns the process exit code */export async function winBeep(): Promise<number> { const args = [ "stdbeep" ] const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); return exitCode}

/** * Show window notification (Ballon) * @date 12/23/2023 - 3:41:08 PM * * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.notification("My Title", "Hello Notification", 77, 2000) * ``` * @export * @async * @param {string} title Notification Title * @param {string} text Notification Text * @param {number} [icon=77] Icon number (from shell32.dll) * @param {number} [timeout=5000] Timeout in milliseconds to hide the notification * @returns {Promise<number>} the process exit code */export async function notification(title: string, text: string, icon = 77, timeout = 5000): Promise<number> { const args = [ "trayballoon", title, text, `shell32.dll,${icon}`, timeout.toString() ] const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); return exitCode}

/** * Window Actions * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * //flash any window with title containing 'untit' * await swissKnife.winAction("Untit", "Contains", "Flash") * ``` * @async * @param {string} winTitle Window title to control (example: notepad, calc ...) * @param {Find} find Find mode for window title (Equals, Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith) * @param {WinActions} action Close, Hide, Flash, Max, Min ... * @returns {Promise<number>} */export async function winAction(winTitle: string, find: Find, action: WinActions): Promise<number> { let findStr = "" switch (find) { case "Contains": findStr = "ititle" break;
case "EndsWith": findStr = "etitle" break; case "StartsWith": findStr = "stitle" break; default: findStr = "title" break; } const args = [ "win", action.toLocaleLowerCase(), findStr, winTitle ] const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); return exitCode}
/** * Play mp3 file from local computer. * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.playMp3("c:\\myFolder\\sound.mp3") * ``` * @param mp3Path mp3 local path. * @returns true if exitCode is 0 */export async function playMp3(mp3Path: string): Promise<boolean> { const exitCode = await runCmdmp3(mp3Path) return exitCode === 0}

/** * Turn off the monitor * @date 12/23/2023 - 4:28:24 PM * * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.monitorOff() //turn off the monitor * ``` * @export * @async * @returns {Promise<number>} process exit code. */export async function monitorOff(): Promise<number> { const args = [ "monitor", "off", ] const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); return exitCode}

/** * Windows Power * @date 12/23/2023 - 4:35:59 PM * * @example * ```ts * import * as swissKnife from "" * await swissKnife.power("StandBy") //Windows standby * //Supported: StandBy, Logoff and Poweroff * ``` * @export * @async * @param {PowerMode} mode standby, logoff, poweroff * @returns {Promise<number>} process exit code */export async function power(mode:PowerMode): Promise<number> { const args = []; switch (mode) { case "Logoff": args.push("exitwin") args.push("logoff") break; case "StandBy": args.push("standby") break; case "PowerOff": args.push("exitwin") args.push("poweroff") break; } const exitCode = await runNirCmd(args); return exitCode}
async function runNirCmd(args: Array<string>): Promise<number> { const OS = utils.getOS();
if (OS !== { console.error("\r\n --> Sorry, Currently SwissKnife supports Windows OS Only :(\r\n") return -1; } const nirCmd = await utils.getNir(); const p = new Deno.Command(nirCmd, { args: args, stderr: "piped", stdout: "piped" }); const child = p.spawn(); const { code } = await child.status; return code;}
async function runCmdmp3(mp3: string): Promise<number> { const OS = utils.getOS();
if (OS !== { console.error("\r\n --> Sorry, Currently SwissKnife supports Windows OS Only :(\r\n") return -1; } const cmd = await utils.getCmdmp3() const args = [mp3] const p = new Deno.Command(cmd, { args: args, stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped" }); const child = p.spawn(); const { code } = await child.status return code;}
async function toggleMute(v: number): Promise<number> { const args = [ "mutesysvolume", v.toString() ] return (await runNirCmd(args))}