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A tiny functionally declarative reactive web programming kernel
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<!doctype html><html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Tag • TodoMVC</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/todomvc-app.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/todomvc-common-base.css"> </head> <body> <noscript>JavaScript is required to manage your todo list</noscript> <solid-user></solid-user> <section class="todoapp"> <todo-list></todo-list> </section> <footer class="info"> <p>Double-click to edit a todo</p> <p>Written by <a href="">~tychi</a></p> <p>Part of <a href="">TodoMVC</a></p> </footer> <script type="module"> // tag is a tiny library for binding HTML fragments to JavaScript closures import tag from '../../mod.js' import $user, { web } from '../../src/tags/solid-user.js'
import initialTodoList from './data/initialTodoList.js' import flags from './data/flags.js'
import showListItems from './features/showListItems.js' import showNewItemForm from './features/showNewItemForm.js' import showFilters from './features/showFilters.js' import showIncompleteCount from './features/showIncompleteCount.js' import showClearCompletedAction from './features/showClearCompletedAction.js' import showCompletenessToggle from './features/showCompletenessToggle.js'
import performItemsRequest from './features/performItemsRequest.js' const interactives = [ './features/onClearCompletedAction.js', './features/onFilterChange.js',
'./features/onNewItemInput.js', './features/onItemEdit.js', './features/onItemChange.js', './features/onItemToggle.js', './features/onItemDelete.js',
'./features/onCompletenessToggle.js' ];
// create a new tag: <todo-list> // define the initial state and shape of the data const $ = tag('todo-list', initialTodoList)

new Promise((resolve) => { (function check(has) { if(has().user) { resolve(has().user) } requestAnimationFrame(() => check(has)) })($ }).then(async (user) => { const { itemsContainerUrl } = $.read();
if(!itemsContainerUrl) { const url = await web.createContainer( `${user.storageUrl}items/` );
$.write({ itemsContainerUrl: url }); }
const items = await performItemsRequest($); $.write({ items, loading: false }); })
// html is a render function; if a string is returned, it is rendered // whenever state changes, the render function will be called on each target $.render((target) => { const { loading } = $.read(); const { user, loading: userLoading } = $
if(loading || userLoading) { return `Loading...` }
if(!user) { return `Please log in` }
return ` <header class="header"> <h1>todos</h1> ${showNewItemForm($)} </header> <section class="main"> ${showCompletenessToggle($)} <ul class="todo-list"> ${showListItems($, flags)} </ul> <footer class="footer"> ${showIncompleteCount($)} <ul class="filters"> ${showFilters($, flags)} </ul> ${showClearCompletedAction($)} </footer> </section> ` })
interactives.forEach(async (url) => { const { default: start } = await import(url) start($, flags) }) </script> </body></html>