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Version 2 of deno-task-runner to fix issues
import { ResolveContext, Tasks, Command, RunContext } from "./interfaces.ts";import Single from "./single.ts";
class Ref implements Command {
constructor(public script: string) {}
resolveRef(tasks: Tasks, context: ResolveContext) { const splitted = this.script.split(/\s/); const name = splitted[0].slice(1); const args = splitted.slice(1); if (!name.length) { throw new Error("Task name should not be empty."); }
let command = tasks[name]; if (!command) { throw new Error(`Task "${name}" is not defined.`); } if (context.checked.has(name)) { throw new Error(`Task "${name}" is in a reference loop.`); } if (command instanceof Single) { command = new Single([command.script, ...args].join(" ")); } return command.resolveRef(tasks, { ...context, checked: new Set(context.checked).add(name) }); }
async run(args: string[], context: RunContext) { throw new Error("Ref should be resolved before running."); }}
export default Ref