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Simple build system written in Deno
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*** TODO 'serial' mode - run tasks one-at-a-time
Configured by builder construction or by command-line option.
*** TODO Separate parsing of command-line options from running the build
One use case: I want access to the logger in order to set some other things upbefore it starts building stuff!
*** TODO Ability to use contexts with more stuff
Like Phrebar's registry.I want to be able to retrieve arbitrary configured services from the context.Builder creates new context for each build task, so would need to be ableto configure some context creation function.
*** TODO (maybe) 'targetPath' / 'prereqPath' and/or 'projectRootDir' in context
This could remove the implicit current directory and therebyallow builders for different projects to run in the same process.
*** TODO ActiveResolver integration
Maybe not built-in, but along with ability to stick arbitrary stuff in the context,this should be easy to do, almost as if you could just say
#+BEGIN_SRC typescript { expression: (TDAR-recognized expression goes here) }#+END_SRC
instead of ~invoke~, similar to how ~cmd~ can be specified in stead of ~invoke~.Actually, ~cmd~ is often insufficient, so should probably be removed as a special case.
Perhaps build rules could be (almost) arbitrary objects, and handlers could be registeredto resolve them.
*** TODO Easy way to recognize updated-ness of a file by a sidecar file
*** TODO Easy way to indicate when multiple files are updated by the same build rule