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A Deno web framework inspired by Oak and Express. Built-in support for WebSockets, middleware and routing.
import * as texa from "";


A subscribable event.

An object that allows for adding and running middleware.


HTTP status codes


Upgrade inputted TCP connection into WebSocket connection.

Given an extension or media type, return the full Content-Type header string. Returns undefined if not resolvable.

Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system

Returns true if input value is a WebSocketCloseEvent, false otherwise.

Returns true if input value is a WebSocketPingEvent, false otherwise.

Returns true if input value is a WebSocketPongEvent, false otherwise.

Create path match function from path-to-regexp spec.

Create a HTTP server

Create an HTTPS server with given options

Type Aliases

Diagnostics information returned by a middleware object.

The match function takes a string and returns whether it matched the path.