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import { Cookie, deleteCookie, setCookie } from "../deps.ts";
interface Active_role { updated_at: Date; user_id: number; role_id: number;}
interface Role { name: string; enable: number; id: number; created_at: Date; updated_at: Date;}interface User { name: string; email: string; phone: string | null; google_id: string | null; facebook_id: string | null; password: string | null; enable: number; id: number; created_at: Date; updated_at: Date;}import { Login } from "./type.ts";interface LoginSession { session_id: string; name: string; expire: Date; email: string; id: number; roles: string[]; ip: string | null; agent: string | null;}
let sessions: LoginSession[] = [];let Roles: Role[] = [];export function setRole(x: Role[]) { Roles = x;}const sessionCookie = ( session_id: string, date: Date): Cookie => { return { name: "PHPSESSID", value: session_id, httpOnly: true, path: "/", domain: Deno.env.get("ssl"), sameSite: Deno.env.get("samesite") as "Strict" | "Lax" | "None", secure: Deno.env.has("secure"), expires: date, };};export class Session { Session!: string; expirein = 30; time: Date; ActiveLoginSession?: LoginSession; Login!: Login; constructor(public req: Request, public cookie?: Record<string, string>) { this.time = new Date(); this.expire(); if (this.cookie) { this.Session = this.cookie.PHPSESSID; } } cleansession() { sessions = sessions.filter(i => i.expire > new Date()); return this; } expireSet(miniutes: number) { this.expirein = miniutes; return this; } startnew(User: User, Active_Role: Active_role[] = []) { if (this.Session) { this.removeSession(); } this.newSession(User, Active_Role); return this; } newSession(User: User, Active_Role: Active_role[]) { this.Session = crypto.randomUUID(); this.ActiveLoginSession = { session_id: this.Session, name:, email:, expire: this.time, id:, roles: this.SessionRoles(Roles, Active_Role), ip: this.req.headers.get("x-forwarded-for"), agent: this.req.headers.get("user-agent"), }; this.addSession(this.ActiveLoginSession); } validSessionIp() { this.ActiveLoginSession = sessions.find((i) => { i.expire > new Date() && i.session_id == this.Session && i.ip == this.req.headers.get("x-forwarded-for") && i.agent == this.req.headers.get("user-agent"); }); return this; } validSession() { this.ActiveLoginSession = sessions.find((i) => i.expire > new Date() && i.session_id == this.Session && i.agent == this.req.headers.get("user-agent") ); return this; } expire() { this.time.setTime(this.time.getTime() + this.expirein * 60 * 1000); } SessionRoles(Role: Role[], Active_Role: Active_role[]) { return Role.filter((i) => Active_Role.filter((a) => a.role_id == (i) =>, ); } addSession(LoginSession: LoginSession) { sessions = [...sessions, LoginSession]; } removeSession() { sessions = sessions.filter((i) => i.session_id != this.Session); }
removeCookie() { this.removeSession(); const headers = new Headers(); deleteCookie(headers, "PHPSESSID"); return { "set-cookie": headers.get("set-cookie"), }; }
returnCookie() { const headers = new Headers(); setCookie(headers, sessionCookie(this.Session, this.time)); const cookie = headers.get("set-cookie"); if (cookie != null) { return { "set-cookie": cookie, }; } } reactiveSession() { this.ActiveLoginSession && ((this.ActiveLoginSession.expire = this.time), (sessions = [ ...sessions.filter((i) => i.session_id !== this.Session), this.ActiveLoginSession, ])); return this; } getLogin() { if (this.ActiveLoginSession) { this.Login = { name:, email:, id:, roles: this.ActiveLoginSession.roles, }; } return this; }}