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A simple transformation of three.js for use within a Deno workflow
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class Object3D
import { Object3D } from "";

Base class for scene graph objects




castShadow: boolean

Gets rendered into shadow map.

children: Object3D[]

Array with object's children.

customDepthMaterial: Material

Custom depth material to be used when rendering to the depth map. Can only be used in context of meshes. When shadow-casting with a DirectionalLight or SpotLight, if you are (a) modifying vertex positions in the vertex shader, (b) using a displacement map, (c) using an alpha map with alphaTest, or (d) using a transparent texture with alphaTest, you must specify a customDepthMaterial for proper shadows.

customDistanceMaterial: Material

Same as customDepthMaterial, but used with PointLight.

frustumCulled: boolean

When this is set, it checks every frame if the object is in the frustum of the camera. Otherwise the object gets drawn every frame even if it isn't visible.

id: number

Unique number of this object instance.

isObject3D: true

Used to check whether this or derived classes are Object3Ds. Default is true. You should not change this, as it is used internally for optimisation.

layers: Layers
matrix: Matrix4

Local transform.

matrixAutoUpdate: boolean

When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property.

matrixWorld: Matrix4

The global transform of the object. If the Object3d has no parent, then it's identical to the local transform.

matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: boolean

When this is set, it calculates the matrixWorld in that frame and resets this property to false.

modelViewMatrix: Matrix4
name: string

Optional name of the object (doesn't need to be unique).

normalMatrix: Matrix3
onAfterRender: (
renderer: WebGLRenderer,
scene: Scene,
camera: Camera,
material: Material,
group: Group,
) => void

Calls after rendering object

onBeforeRender: (
renderer: WebGLRenderer,
scene: Scene,
camera: Camera,
material: Material,
group: Group,
) => void

Calls before rendering object

parent: Object3D | null

Object's parent in the scene graph.

position: Vector3

Object's local position.

quaternion: Quaternion

Global rotation.

receiveShadow: boolean

Material gets baked in shadow receiving.

renderOrder: number

Overrides the default rendering order of scene graph objects, from lowest to highest renderOrder. Opaque and transparent objects remain sorted independently though. When this property is set for an instance of Group, all descendants objects will be sorted and rendered together.

rotation: Euler

Object's local rotation (Euler angles), in radians.

scale: Vector3

Object's local scale.

type: string

Up direction.

userData: { [key: string]: any; }

An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3d. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.

uuid: string
visible: boolean

Object gets rendered if true.


add(...object: Object3D[]): this

Adds object as child of this object.

applyMatrix4(matrix: Matrix4): void

This updates the position, rotation and scale with the matrix.

applyQuaternion(quaternion: Quaternion): this
attach(object: Object3D): this

Adds object as a child of this, while maintaining the object's world transform.

clone(recursive?: boolean): this
copy(source: this, recursive?: boolean): this
getObjectById(id: number): Object3D | undefined

Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching id.

getObjectByName(name: string): Object3D | undefined

Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching name.

getObjectByProperty(name: string, value: string): Object3D | undefined

Updates the vector from local space to world space.

vector: Vector3 | number,
y?: number,
z?: number,
): void

Rotates object to face point in space.

raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: Intersection[]): void
remove(...object: Object3D[]): this

Removes object as child of this object.

removeAll(): this

Removes all child objects.

rotateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number): this

Rotate an object along an axis in object space. The axis is assumed to be normalized.

rotateOnWorldAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number): this

Rotate an object along an axis in world space. The axis is assumed to be normalized. Method Assumes no rotated parent.

rotateX(angle: number): this
rotateY(angle: number): this
rotateZ(angle: number): this
setRotationFromAxisAngle(axis: Vector3, angle: number): void
toJSON(meta?: { geometries: any; materials: any; textures: any; images: any; }): any
translateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, distance: number): this
translateX(distance: number): this

Translates object along x axis by distance.

translateY(distance: number): this

Translates object along y axis by distance.

translateZ(distance: number): this

Translates object along z axis by distance.

traverse(callback: (object: Object3D) => any): void
traverseAncestors(callback: (object: Object3D) => any): void
traverseVisible(callback: (object: Object3D) => any): void
updateMatrix(): void

Updates local transform.

updateMatrixWorld(force?: boolean): void

Updates global transform of the object and its children.

updateWorldMatrix(updateParents: boolean, updateChildren: boolean): void

Updates the vector from world space to local space.

Static Properties

DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate: boolean
DefaultUp: Vector3