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Time-Level-Log for Deno🦕
import { blue, datetime, red, reset, yellow } from "./deps.ts";
const LOG_LEVELS = { debug: { color: reset, symbol: "✔", }, info: { color: blue, symbol: "ℹ", }, warn: { color: yellow, symbol: "⚠", }, error: { color: red, symbol: "✖", },};
/** * The type for the log level. * These correspond to the built-in `console` method. */export type LogLevel = "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error";
/** * Timestamp-Level-Log for Deno. * * @Example * ```ts * const log = new Log(); * log.debug("debug"); *"info", true, null); * log.warn(["warning", 1, 2.4]); * try { * Deno.readFileSync("hello.txt"); * } catch (error) { * log.error({error}); * } * ``` */export class Log { private datetimeFormat: string; private levelSign: (logLevel: LogLevel) => string; private suffix: string[];
/** * Log constructor. * @param minLogLevel [default:"debug"] Minimum level to log. * @param levelIndicator [default:"symbol"] Indicator type of log level. * @param datetimeFormat [default:"YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"] Format of the timestamp. To use this, follow [the documentation of Ptera]( * @param addNewLine [default:false] Flag to add new line after the each log or not. * * @Example * ```ts * const log = new Log({ minLogLevel: "info", addNewLine: true }); * log.debug("This will not be displayed"); *"System all green"); * ``` */ constructor({ minLogLevel = "debug", levelIndicator = "symbol", datetimeFormat = "YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ", addNewLine = false, }: { minLogLevel?: LogLevel; levelIndicator?: "none" | "full" | "initial" | "symbol"; datetimeFormat?: string; addNewLine?: boolean; } = {}) { for (const level of Object.keys(LOG_LEVELS) as LogLevel[]) { if (minLogLevel === level) break; this[level] = () => ({}); }
this.datetimeFormat = datetimeFormat; this.suffix = addNewLine ? ["\n"] : [];
this.levelSign = { none: () => "", full: (logLevel: LogLevel) => " " + logLevel.toUpperCase().padEnd(5), initial: (logLevel: LogLevel) => " " + logLevel[0].toUpperCase(), symbol: (logLevel: LogLevel) => " " + LOG_LEVELS[logLevel].symbol, }[levelIndicator]; }
/** * Generate log prefix with the specified configurations. * This is not needed for most normal users, but exported to test. * @param date The date of the timestamp. * @param logLevel The level of the output. */ _prefix(date: Date, logLevel: LogLevel) { const timestamp = datetime(date).format(this.datetimeFormat); const prefix = `${timestamp}${this.levelSign(logLevel)}`.trimStart(); return prefix ? [LOG_LEVELS[logLevel].color(prefix)] : []; }
private output(date: Date, logLevel: LogLevel, args: unknown[]) { const prefix = this._prefix(date, logLevel); console[logLevel](...prefix, ...args, ...this.suffix); }
/** * Output `debug` level log with timestamp and level indicator. * @param args What to output. */ debug(...args: unknown[]) { this.output(new Date(), "debug", args); }
/** * Output `info` level log with timestamp and level indicator. * @param args What to output. */ info(...args: unknown[]) { this.output(new Date(), "info", args); }
/** * Output `warn` level log with timestamp and level indicator. * @param args What to output. */ warn(...args: unknown[]) { this.output(new Date(), "warn", args); }
/** * Output `error` level log with timestamp and level indicator. * @param args What to output. */ error(...args: unknown[]) { this.output(new Date(), "error", args); }}