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🔑 A strongly typed Pylon API client.
import * as tpy from "";

A parameter envoy that provides environmental details.

Functions, like building errors, may need additional environmental information to reference details as needed, as these functions could parse and disect whole variables (e.g., URL) to find their required piece. (e.g., resource in URL). However, this introduces code complexity for each kind of value and creating validations for possible invalid or even absent parameters!

Instead of relying on the environment, it is turned to the user to rely on forwarding parameter information directly to simplify the process.

The Context class is a parameter forwarder that applies a specific template for other functions to use the information. A great use of this would be provide a guildID parameter and pass it on to an error directly without searching for it in the URL. In code, this could look like this:

 async function fetchAndHandleError<T>(ctx: Context, url: string): Promise<T> {
  const response = await fetch(url);
  if (response.ok) return response.json() as unknown as T;
  const text = await response.text();
  // Handle other cases...
  if (response.status === 404 && text === 'Guild could not be found.') {
    if (Context.isNullish(ctx.guildID))
      throw 'The guild ID was not populated; could not form error statement.';
    throw `The guild ID ${ctx.guildID} could not be found.`;
  // Default error.
  throw 'There was an error, but it could not be identified.';

async function guildName(guildID: StringifiedNumber): Promise<string> {
  const response = await fetchAndHandleError<Guild.GET.Guild>(
    new Context({ guildID }),

const guildID: StringifiedNumber = '0';
console.log(await guildName(guildID));

Here, Context is leveraged to discover what the guildID parameter was without searching through the URL (where, it may possibly return a wrong parsed value, like a regex edge case). It provided environmental parameters directly to eliminate the search of these parameters and validates the parameter was even present.

(In essence, this is literally what Tpy.httpRaw() does under the hood.)

In the case that no context is required for a given function, one can simply instantiate the class like so:

new Context({});


Provides parameter context about the current execution environment to provide error reporting data to generate reports that include said information comprised inside the given Context.