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Package Manager for deno 🦕
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/** * Copyright (c) Crew Dev. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */
import { readJson, writeJson } from "../temp_deps/writeJson.ts";import type { DefaultStore } from "./types.ts";import { createHash } from "hash/mod.ts";import { exists } from "fs/mod.ts";import { join } from "path/mod.ts";
const { env, remove, mkdir, build } = Deno;const commonDir = "trex_storage";
/** * detect if is runnig on gh action workflow */export const isGH = !!env.get("GITHUB_ACTIONS")! || !!env.get("GITHUB_WORKFLOW")! || !!env.get("GITHUB_JOB")!;
/** * github actions fallback storage path */const ghFallBack = join(Deno.cwd(), commonDir);
/** * create a persistent json storage per CWD. */export async function JsonStorage() { const hash = createHash("sha256").update(Deno.cwd()).toString();
const storagePath = isGH ? ghFallBack : build.os === "windows" ? join("C:", "Users", env.get("USERNAME")!, ".deno", `${commonDir}\\`) : join(env.get("HOME")!, ".deno", `${commonDir}/`);
const currentStorage = join(storagePath, `${hash}.json`);
if (!(await exists(storagePath))) await mkdir(storagePath);
if (!(await exists(currentStorage))) { await writeJson(currentStorage, {}, { spaces: 2, create: true }); }
return { async getStorage<T extends any>(): Promise<T> { if (await exists(currentStorage)) { return (await readJson(currentStorage)) as T; }
throw new Error("storage was removed").message; }, async getItem<T extends any>(item: string): Promise<T> { if (await exists(currentStorage)) { const store = (await readJson(currentStorage)) as DefaultStore;
return store[item] as T; }
throw new Error("storage was removed").message; }, async setItem(item: string, value: any) { if (await exists(currentStorage)) { const store = (await readJson(currentStorage)) as DefaultStore; store[item] = value;
return await writeJson(currentStorage, store, { create: false, spaces: 2, }); }
throw new Error("storage was removed").message; }, async has(item: string): Promise<boolean> { if (await exists(currentStorage)) { const store = (await readJson(currentStorage)) as DefaultStore;
return Object.keys(store).includes(item); }
throw new Error("storage was removed").message; }, async dropStorage() { return await remove(currentStorage, { recursive: true }); }, async deleteItem(item: string) { if (await exists(currentStorage)) { const store = (await readJson(currentStorage)) as DefaultStore; delete store[item];
return await writeJson(currentStorage, store, { create: false, spaces: 2, }); }
throw new Error("storage was removed").message; }, };}