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Package Manager for deno 🦕
/** * Copyright (c) Crew Dev. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */
import { bold, cyan, green, red, yellow } from "fmt/colors.ts";import { getImportMap } from "../handlers/handle_files.ts";import { CommandNotFound } from "../utils/logs.ts";import type { importMap } from "../utils/types.ts";import { flags, keyWords } from "../utils/info.ts";
interface ToUpdate { pkg: string; latest: string; current: string | undefined; isVersioned: boolean; name: string; std: boolean; x: boolean;}
/** * check if exist an update for a /std/ or /x/ lib on */export async function checkDepsUpdates(): Promise<void> { const map: importMap = (await getImportMap<importMap>())!; const Args = Deno.args;
if (Args[1]) { CommandNotFound({ commands: [keyWords.check], flags: [...flags.fix,], }); }
const toUpdate: ToUpdate[] = [];
for (const key in map?.imports) { const pkg = map.imports[key];
if (isDenoLand(pkg)) { const { pathname } = toURL(pkg);
if (pathname.startsWith("/std")) { const [, version, name] = pathname.split("/"); const moduleVersion = version.replace("std@", "")?.trim();
const latest = (await stdLatest())!;
if (latest !== moduleVersion) { toUpdate.push({ pkg, latest, current: moduleVersion, isVersioned: moduleVersion !== "std", name, std: true, x: false, }); } } else if (pathname.startsWith("/x/")) { const [, , module] = pathname.split("/"); const [name, version] = module.split("@");
const latest = (await getAllVersion(name))?.trim(); const current = version?.trim();
if (latest !== current) { toUpdate.push({ pkg, latest, current, isVersioned: !!current, name, std: false, x: true, }); } } } }
if (toUpdate.length === 0) { console.log(green("\nall dependencies are up to date.")); }
for (const { isVersioned, name, pkg, latest, current, std, x } of toUpdate) { if (std) { console.log(cyan(`this is a ${bold(yellow(""))} package:`)); }
if (x) { console.log(cyan(`this is a ${bold(yellow(""))} package:`)); }
if (!isVersioned) { console.log( green( `\n${yellow(`warning:`)} the package ${ yellow( `"${name}"`, ) } is a unversioned url => ${yellow(`(${pkg})`)}\n`, ), );
console.log(green(`The latest version is ${cyan(`${latest}`)}\n`)); console.log( green(`${yellow("[quick fix]")}: trex i -m ${name}@${latest}`), );
console.log(red(`------------------------------------------------`)); } else { console.log( green( `\nThe package ${yellow(`"${name}"`)} is outdate: current = ${ cyan( `${current};`, ) } latest = ${cyan(`${latest};`)}\n`, ), );
console.log( green(`${yellow("[quick fix]")}: trex i -m ${name}@${latest}`), ); console.log(red(`------------------------------------------------`)); } }}
export async function stdLatest() { const response = await fetch( "", ); const { std = [] } = await response.json();
return (std as string[])?.at(0)?.trim();}
const toURL = (url: string) => new URL(url);
const version = (module: string) => `${module}/meta/versions.json`;
export async function xLatest(name: string) { const response = await fetch(version(name));
const data = (await response.json()) as { latest: string; versions: string[]; };
return data.latest;}
async function getAllVersion(module: string): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch(version(module)); const { latest } = await response.json();
return latest as string;}
function isDenoLand(url: string) { const { hostname } = toURL(url);
return hostname === "";}