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🦖 Troodon is a Library for Deno to Handle Algorithms
/*! *****************************************************************************Copyright (c) the Trodoon authors. All rights reserved. MIT License.***************************************************************************** */
class Topsis { private alternatives: Array<string> = []; private criterias: Array<Array<number>> = []; private weights: Array<number> = []; private process: boolean = false;
constructor( alternatives: Array<string>, criterias: Array<Array<number>>, weights: Array<number>, process: boolean = false ) { this.alternatives = alternatives; this.criterias = criterias; this.weights = weights; this.process = process; }
/** * @return * validation params */ private validation(): boolean { if (!(this.alternatives.length > 0)) { console.log("Alternatives Empty"); return false; } if (!(this.criterias.length > 0)) { console.log("Row of Criterias Empty"); return false; } if (!(this.criterias[0].length > 0)) { console.log("Column of Criterias Empty"); return false; } if (!(this.weights.length > 0)) { console.log("Weights Empty"); return false; } if (!(this.weights.length === this.criterias[0].length)) { console.log("Weights Length Not Equal with Column Length of Criterias"); return false; } return true; }
/** * @return Array<Array<number>> * matrixNormalization */ private normalizationMatrix(): Array<Array<number>> { const sum: Array<number> = []; const root: Array<number> = []; const square: Array<Array<number>> = []; const result: Array<Array<number>> = [];
// square this.criterias.forEach((values) => square.push( => Math.pow(value, 2))) ); // console.log() or console.table() here for show inner process
// sum this.weights.forEach((_, index) => { let count = 0; square.forEach((_, indexes) => (count += square[indexes][index])); sum.push(count); }); // console.log() or console.table() here for show inner process
// root sum.forEach((value) => root.push(Math.sqrt(value))); // console.log() or console.table() here for show inner process
// devide this.criterias.forEach((values) => { let temp: Array<number> = []; root.forEach((value, index) => { temp.push(values[index] / value); }); result.push(temp); });
return result; }
/** * @return Array<Array<number>> * matrixNormalization */ private weightedNormalizationMatrix(): Array<Array<number>> { const divide = this.normalizationMatrix(); const result: Array<Array<number>> = [];
divide.forEach((values) => { let map =, index) => value * this.weights[index]); result.push(map); });
return result; }
/** * @return Array<number> * Value of Positive Ideal Solutions */ private aMax(): Array<number> { const multiple = this.weightedNormalizationMatrix(); const result: Array<number> = [];
this.weights.forEach((_, index) => { let temp: Array<number> = []; let max: number = 0; multiple.forEach((_, indexes) => { temp.push(multiple[indexes][index]); }); max = Math.max(...temp); result.push(max); });
return result; }
/** * @return Array<number> * Value of Negative Ideal Solutions */ private aMin(): Array<number> { const multiple = this.weightedNormalizationMatrix(); const result: Array<number> = [];
this.weights.forEach((_, index) => { let temp: Array<number> = []; let min: number = 0; multiple.forEach((_, indexes) => { temp.push(multiple[indexes][index]); }); min = Math.min(...temp); result.push(min); });
return result; }
/** * @return Array<number> * Determine the distance between the value of each alternative and the value of a positive ideal solution */ private dMax(): Array<number> { const multiple = this.weightedNormalizationMatrix(); const max = this.aMax(); const result: Array<number> = [];
multiple.forEach((values) => { let count = 0; max.forEach((value, index) => { count += Math.pow(value - values[index], 2); }); result.push(Math.sqrt(count)); });
return result; }
/** * @return Array<number> * Determine the distance between the value of each alternative and the value of a negative ideal solution */ private dMin(): Array<number> { const multiple = this.weightedNormalizationMatrix(); const min = this.aMin(); const result: Array<number> = [];
multiple.forEach((values) => { let count = 0; min.forEach((value, index) => { count += Math.pow(value - values[index], 2); }); result.push(Math.sqrt(count)); });
return result; }
/** * @param vararg * Determine the preference value for each alternative */ private preferences(): Array<number> { const dMax = this.dMax(); const dMin = this.dMin(); const result: Array<number> = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dMax.length; i++) { let num = 0; num = dMin[i] / (dMin[i] + dMax[i]); result.push(num); }
return result; }
/** * @param vararg * sorting value from preferences (high to low) */ private ranking(): Array<string> { const alternatives = this.alternatives; const preferences = this.preferences(); const result = Object.fromEntries(, i) => [alternatives[i], preferences[i]]) ); const sorted = Object.keys(result) .sort((a, b) => result[a] - result[b]) .reverse();
this.showProcess(result, "Preferences to Object");
return sorted; }
/** * @return void * show topsis process */ private showProcess(vararg: any, name: string = ""): void { if (this.process) { console.log(`START: ${name}`); console.table(vararg); console.log(`END : ${name}`); console.log(""); } }
/** * @return any */ public result(): any { if (!this.validation()) { console.error( "Please check your argument, make sure the arguments follows the rules of use." ); Deno.exit(0); }
const alternatives = this.alternatives; this.showProcess(alternatives, "Alternatives");
const criterias = this.criterias; this.showProcess(criterias, "Criterias");
const weights = this.weights; this.showProcess(weights, "Weights");
const ndm = this.normalizationMatrix(); this.showProcess(ndm, "Normalized Decision Matrix");
const wndm = this.weightedNormalizationMatrix(); this.showProcess(wndm, "Weighted Normalized Decision Matrix");
const aMax = this.aMax(); this.showProcess(aMax, "Value of Positive Ideal Solutions");
const aMin = this.aMin(); this.showProcess(aMin, "Value of Negative Ideal Solutions");
const dMax = this.dMax(); this.showProcess(dMax, "Distance of Positive Ideal Solutions");
const dMin = this.dMin(); this.showProcess(dMin, "Distance of Negative Ideal Solutions");
const preference = this.preferences(); this.showProcess(preference, "Preferences");
const ranking = this.ranking(); this.showProcess(ranking, "Ranking of Preferences");
return this.process ? "" : ranking; }}
export const topsis = ( a: string[], c: number[][], w: number[], p: boolean = false) => new Topsis(a, c, w, p).result();