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Being able to pattern match in typescript
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import { IsAParser } from "./index.ts";import { saferStringify } from "../utils.ts";import { AnyParser } from "./any-parser.ts";import { ArrayParser } from "./array-parser.ts";import { BoolParser } from "./bool-parser.ts";import { ConcatParsers } from "./concat-parser.ts";import { DefaultParser } from "./default-parser.ts";import { FunctionParser } from "./function-parser.ts";import { GuardParser } from "./guard-parser.ts";import { IParser, ISimpleParsedError, NonNull, OnParse, Optional,} from "./interfaces.ts";import { MappedAParser } from "./mapped-parser.ts";import { MaybeParser } from "./maybe-parser.ts";import { parserName } from "./named.ts";import { NilParser } from "./nill-parser.ts";import { NumberParser } from "./number-parser.ts";import { ObjectParser } from "./object-parser.ts";import { OrParsers } from "./or-parser.ts";import { ShapeParser } from "./shape-parser.ts";import { StringParser } from "./string-parser.ts";import { booleanOnParse } from "./utils.ts";function unwrapParser(a: IParser<unknown, unknown>): IParser<unknown, unknown> { if (a instanceof Parser) return unwrapParser(a.parser); return a;}
const enumParsed = { parsed<A>(value: A) { return { value }; }, invalid(error: ISimpleParsedError) { return { error }; },};
/** * A Parser is usually a function that takes a value and returns a Parsed value. * For this class we have that as our main reason but we want to be able to have other methods * including testing and showing text representations. * * The main function unsafeCast which will take in a value A (usually unknown) and will always return a B. If it cannot * it will throw an error. * * The parse function is the lower level function that will take in a value and a dictionary of what to do with success and failure. */export class Parser<A, B> implements IParser<A, B> { /// This is a hack to get the type of what the parser is going to return. public readonly _TYPE: B = null as any; constructor( readonly parser: IParser<A, B>, readonly description = { name: "Wrapper", children: [parser], extras: [], } as const, ) {} /** * Use this when you want to decide what happens on the succes and failure cases of parsing * @param a * @param onParse * @returns */ parse<C, D>(a: A, onParse: OnParse<A, B, C, D>): C | D { return this.parser.parse(a, onParse); } /** * This is a constructor helper that can use a predicate tester in the form of a guard function, * and will return a parser that will only parse if the predicate returns true. * * @param checkIsA * @param name * @returns */ public static isA<A, B extends A>( checkIsA: (value: A) => value is B, name: string, ): Parser<A, B> { return new Parser(new IsAParser(checkIsA, name)); }
/** * This is the line of code that could be over written if * One would like to have a custom error as any shape */
public static validatorErrorAsString = <A, B>( error: ISimpleParsedError, ): string => { const { parser, value, keys } = error;
const keysString = !keys.length ? "" : keys .map((x) => `[${x}]`) .reverse() .join("");
return `${keysString}${Parser.parserAsString(parser)}(${ saferStringify( value, ) })`; };
/** * Trying to convert the parser into a string representation * @param parserComingIn * @returns */ public static parserAsString( parserComingIn: IParser<unknown, unknown>, ): string { const parser = unwrapParser(parserComingIn); const { description: { name, extras, children }, } = parser; if (parser instanceof ShapeParser) { return `${name}<{${ parser.description.children .map( (subParser, i) => `${String(parser.description.extras[i]) || "?"}:${ Parser.parserAsString(subParser) }`, ) .join(",") }}>`; } if (parser instanceof OrParsers) { const parent = unwrapParser(parser.parent); const parentString = Parser.parserAsString(parent); if (parent instanceof OrParsers) return parentString;
return `${name}<${parentString},...>`; } if (parser instanceof GuardParser) { return String(extras[0] || name); } if ( parser instanceof StringParser || parser instanceof ObjectParser || parser instanceof NumberParser || parser instanceof BoolParser || parser instanceof AnyParser ) { return name.toLowerCase(); } if (parser instanceof FunctionParser) { return name; } if (parser instanceof NilParser) { return "null"; } if (parser instanceof ArrayParser) { return "Array<unknown>"; } const specifiers = [,, ]; const specifiersString = `<${specifiers.join(",")}>`; const childrenString = !children.length ? "" : `<>`;
return `${name}${specifiersString}`; }
/** * This is the most useful parser, it assumes the happy path and will throw an error if it fails. * @param value * @returns */ unsafeCast(value: A): B { const state = this.enumParsed(value); if ("value" in state) return state.value; const { error } = state; throw new TypeError( `Failed type: ${ Parser.validatorErrorAsString( error, ) } given input ${saferStringify(value)}`, ); } /** * This is the like the unsafe parser, it assumes the happy path and will throw and return a failed promise during failure. * @param value * @returns */ castPromise(value: A): Promise<B> { const state = this.enumParsed(value); if ("value" in state) return Promise.resolve(state.value); const { error } = state; return Promise.reject( new TypeError( `Failed type: ${ Parser.validatorErrorAsString( error, ) } given input ${saferStringify(value)}`, ), ); }
/** * When we want to get the error message from the input, to know what is wrong * @param input * @returns Null if there is no error */ errorMessage(input: A): void | string { const parsed = this.parse(input, enumParsed); if ("value" in parsed) return; return Parser.validatorErrorAsString( parsed.error, ); }
/** * Use this that we want to do transformations after the value is valid and parsed. * A use case would be parsing a string, making sure it can be parsed to a number, and then convert to a number * @param fn * @param mappingName * @returns */ map<C>(fn: (apply: B) => C, mappingName?: string): Parser<A, C> { return new Parser(new MappedAParser(this, fn, mappingName)); }
/** * Use this when you want to combine two parsers into one. This will make sure that both parsers will run against the same value. * @param otherParser * @returns */ concat<C>(otherParser: IParser<B, C>): Parser<A, C> { return new Parser(ConcatParsers.of(this, new Parser(otherParser)) as any); }
/** * Use this to combine parsers into one. This will make sure that one or the other parsers will run against the value. * @param otherParser * @returns */ orParser<C>(otherParser: IParser<A, C>): Parser<A, B | C> { return new Parser(new OrParsers(this, new Parser(otherParser))); }
/** * Use this as a guard clause, useful for escaping during the error cases. * * @param value * @returns */ test = (value: A): value is A & B => { return this.parse(value, booleanOnParse); };
/** * When we want to make sure that we handle the null later on in a monoid fashion, * and this ensures we deal with the value * */ optional(name?: string): Parser<Optional<A>, Optional<B>> { return new Parser(new MaybeParser(this)); } /** * There are times that we would like to bring in a value that we know as null or undefined * and want it to go to a default value */ defaultTo<C>(defaultValue: C): Parser<Optional<A>, C | NonNull<B, C>> { return new Parser( new DefaultParser(new Parser(new MaybeParser(this)), defaultValue), ); } /** * We want to test value with a test eg isEven */ validate(isValid: (value: B) => boolean, otherName: string): Parser<A, B> { return new Parser( ConcatParsers.of( this, new Parser( new IsAParser(isValid as (value: B) => value is B, otherName), ), ) as any, ); } /** * We want to refine to a new type given an original type, like isEven, or casting to a more * specific type */ refine<C = B>( refinementTest: (value: B) => value is B & C, otherName: string =, ): Parser<A, B & C> { return new Parser( ConcatParsers.of( this, new Parser(new IsAParser(refinementTest, otherName)), ) as any, ); }
/** * Use this when we want to give the parser a name, and we want to be able to use the name in the error messages. * @param nameString * @returns */ name(nameString: string): Parser<A, B> { return parserName(nameString, this); }
/** * This is another type of parsing that will return a value that is a discriminated union of the success and failure cases. * * @param value * @returns */ enumParsed(value: A): { value: B } | { error: ISimpleParsedError } { return this.parse(value, enumParsed) as any; }
/** * Return the unwrapped parser/ IParser * @returns */ unwrappedParser() { let answer: Parser<any, any> = this; while (true) { const next = answer.parser; if (next instanceof Parser) { answer = next; } else { return next; } } }}