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Being able to pattern match in typescript
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any ban-typesimport { every, object, Parser } from "./index.ts";import { saferStringify } from "../utils.ts";import { IParser, OnParse } from "./interfaces.ts";type _<T> = T;// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoreexport type MergeAll<T> = T extends ReadonlyArray<infer U> ? ReadonlyArray<MergeAll<U>> : T extends object ? T extends null | undefined | never ? T : _<{ [k in keyof T]: MergeAll<T[k]> }> : T;/** * Given an object, we want to make sure the key exists and that the value on * the key matches the parser */export class ShapeParser< A extends unknown, Key extends string | number | symbol, B,> implements IParser<A, B> { constructor( readonly parserMap: { [key in keyof B]: Parser<unknown, B[key]> }, readonly isPartial: boolean, readonly parserKeys = Object.keys(parserMap) as Array< string & keyof typeof parserMap >, readonly description = { name: isPartial ? "Partial" : "Shape", children: => parserMap[key]), extras: parserKeys, } as const, ) {} parse<C, D>(a: A, onParse: OnParse<A, B, C, D>): C | D { // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const parser: IParser<unknown, unknown> = this; if (!object.test(a)) { return onParse.invalid({ value: a, keys: [], parser, }); } const { parserMap, isPartial } = this; const value: any = { ...(a as object) }; if (Array.isArray(a)) { value.length = a.length; } for (const key in parserMap) { if (key in value) { const parser = parserMap[key]; const state = parser.enumParsed((a as any)[key]); if ("error" in state) { const { error } = state; error.keys.push(saferStringify(key)); return onParse.invalid(error); } const smallValue = state.value; value[key] = smallValue; } else if (!isPartial) { return onParse.invalid({ value: "missingProperty", parser, keys: [saferStringify(key)], }); } }
return onParse.parsed(value); }}export const isPartial = <A extends {}>( testShape: { [key in keyof A]: Parser<unknown, A[key]>; },): Parser<unknown, Partial<A>> => { return new Parser(new ShapeParser(testShape, true)) as any;};
/** * Good for duck typing an object, with optional values * @param testShape Shape of validators, to ensure we match the shape */export const partial = isPartial;/** * Good for duck typing an object * @param testShape Shape of validators, to ensure we match the shape */
export const isShape = <A extends {}>( testShape: { [key in keyof A]: Parser<unknown, A[key]>; },): Parser<unknown, A> => { return new Parser(new ShapeParser(testShape, false)) as any;};
export function shape<A extends {}, Overwrites extends keyof A>( testShape: { [key in keyof A]: Parser<unknown, A[key]>; }, optionals: Overwrites[],): Parser< unknown, MergeAll< & { [K in keyof Omit<A, Overwrites>]: A[K] } & { [K in keyof Pick<A, Overwrites>]?: A[K]; } >>;export function shape< A extends {}, Overwrites extends keyof A, Defaults extends { [K in Overwrites]?: A[K] },>( testShape: { [key in keyof A]: Parser<unknown, A[key]>; }, optionals: Overwrites[], defaults: Defaults,): Parser< unknown, MergeAll< & { [K in keyof Omit<A, Overwrites>]: A[K] } & { [K in keyof Omit<Pick<A, Overwrites>, keyof Defaults>]?: A[K]; } & { [K in keyof Pick<Pick<A, Overwrites>, keyof Defaults & Overwrites>]: A[K]; } >>;export function shape<A extends {}>( testShape: { [key in keyof A]: Parser<unknown, A[key]>; },): Parser<unknown, A>;export function shape< A extends {}, Overwrites extends keyof A, OptionalDefaults extends { [K in Overwrites]: A[K] },>( testShape: { [key in keyof A]: Parser<unknown, A[key]>; }, optionals?: Overwrites[], optionalAndDefaults?: OptionalDefaults,) { if (optionals) { const defaults = optionalAndDefaults || {}; const entries = Object.entries(testShape) as Array< [keyof A, Parser<unknown, A[keyof A]>] >; const optionalSet = new Set(Array.from(optionals as Array<Overwrites>)); return every( partial( Object.fromEntries( entries .filter(([key, _]) => optionalSet.has(key as any)) .map(([key, parser]) => [key, parser.optional()]), ), ), isShape( Object.fromEntries( entries.filter(([key, _]) => !optionalSet.has(key as any)), ), ), ).map((ret) => { for (const key of optionalSet) { const keyAny = key as any; if (!(keyAny in ret) && keyAny in defaults) { ret[keyAny] = (defaults as any)[keyAny]; } } return ret; }); } return isShape(testShape);}