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A zero dependency library for serializing data
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🥣 ts_serialize

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Serializable and SerializeProperty

Import Serializable and SerializeProperty, extend Serializable from your class and use the SerializeProperty decorator on any properties you want serialized.

Serializable will add three methods toJSON, fromJSON, and tsSerialize.

  • fromJSON - takes one argument, the JSON string or Object to deserialize
  • toJSON - converts the model to a JSON string
  • tsSerialize - converts the model to “Plain old Javascript object” with any provided key or value transformations
class TestClass extends Serializable {
  public test: number = 99;

  public test1: number = 100;
const testObj = new TestClass();
assert(testObj instanceof Serializable);
assertEquals(typeof testObj.toJSON, "function");
assertEquals(typeof testObj.fromJSON, "function");
assertEquals(typeof testObj.tsSerialize, "function");
assertEquals(testObj.toJSON(), `{"test":99,"test_one":100}`);
assertEquals(new TestClass().fromJSON({ test: 88 }).test, 88);
assertEquals(testObj.tsSerialize(), { test: 99, test_one: 100 });


Inherited classes override the key when serializing. If you override a property any value used for that key will be overridden by the child value. With collisions the child always overrides the parent

class Test1 extends Serializable {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Test1 {
  serializeMeInstead = "nice2";

const testObj = new Test2();
assertEquals(testObj.serializeMe, "nice1");
assertEquals(testObj.serializeMeInstead, "nice2");
assertEquals(testObj.toJSON(), `{"serialize_me":"nice2"}`);

Nested Class Serialization


Serializing a nested class will follow the serialization rules set from the class:

class Test1 extends Serializable {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Serializable {
    serializedKey: "serialize_me_2",
  nested: Test1 = new Test1();

const testObj = new Test2();
assertEquals(testObj.toJSON(), `{"serialize_me_2":{"serialize_me_1":"nice1"}}`);


Use a strategy to revive the property into a class. toSerializable is a provided function export that takes one parameter, the instance type the object will take when revived, it will also revive to an array of Serializable objects.

class Test1 extends Serializable {
  serializeMe = "nice1";

class Test2 extends Serializable {
    serializedKey: "serialize_me_2",
    fromJSONStrategy: toSerializable(Test1),
  nested!: Test1;

const testObj = new Test2();
testObj.fromJSON(`{"serialize_me_2":{"serialize_me_1":"custom value"}}`);
assertEquals(testObj.nested.serializeMe, "custom value");

toObjectContaining revives a record of string keys to Serializable objects, it will also revive to an array of Serializable objects.

class SomeClass extends Serializable {
  someClassProp = "test";

class Test extends Serializable {
  @SerializeProperty({ fromJSONStrategy: toObjectContaining(SomeClass) })
  test!: { [k: string]: SomeClass[] };

const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(
    test: {
      testing: [{ someClassProp: "changed" }, { someClassProp: "changed" }],
assert(testObj.test.testing[0] instanceof Serializable);
assertEquals(testObj.test.testing[0].someClassProp, "changed");

SerializeProperty options

Passing a string or a function as an argument to SerializeProperty causes the property to use that name as the key when serialized. The function has one parameter, the key as string and should return a string.

class Test extends Serializable {
  propertyOne = "Hello";
  propertyTwo = "World!";
  @SerializeProperty((key) => `__${key}__`)
  propertyThree = "foo";
  notSerialized = "not-serialized";

  new Test().toJSON(),
const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(
assertEquals(testObj.propertyOne, "From");
assertEquals(testObj.propertyTwo, "JSON!");
assertEquals(testObj.notSerialized, "changed");

SerializeProperty also excepts an options object with the properties:

  • serializedKey (Optional) {string | ToSerializedKeyStrategy} - Used as the key in the serialized object
  • toJSONStrategy (Optional) {ToJSONStrategy} - Used when serializing
  • fromJSONStrategy (Optional) {FromJSONStrategy} - Used when deserializing

For example the class in the above code block could also be written as:

class Test extends Serializable {
  propertyOne = "Hello";
  propertyTwo = "World!";
  @SerializeProperty({ serializedKey: (key) => `__${key}__`})
  propertyThree = "foo";
  notSerialized = "not-serialized";
  new Test().toJSON(),
const testObj = new Test().fromJSON(
assertEquals(testObj.propertyOne, "From");
assertEquals(testObj.propertyTwo, "JSON!");
assertEquals(testObj.notSerialized, "changed");

Strategies are ways to convert data to and from a JSON value.