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A zero dependency library for serializing data
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Setting up an environment

If you are going to fix an issue or add a feature request please make sure to point out on the issue that you are doing the work.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. ts_serialize is built with deno. Follow the deno install instructions to install it on your machine.


Fork and clone the project to your machine and cd into that folder. If you are getting errors about the deno namespace you can run

$ deno types > deno.d.ts

This will add the deno types to the project.

Running the tests

$ deno test

You can add a file to test only that one file.

$ deno test mod_test.ts

Coding style and tests

We follow the Deno style guide for code, including tests. Every file should have a _test.ts file testing all exported symbols.

If you find a bug a test case is the right place to start. Test example:

  name: "Serialize nested",
  fn() {
    class Test1 extends Serializable {
      serializeMe = "nice1";
    class Test2 extends Serializable {
        serializedKey: "serialize_me_2",
      nested: Test1 = new Test1();
    const testObj = new Test2();
