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🦕 Deno module for creating Terminal User Interfaces
class GridLayout
implements Layout<T>
import { GridLayout } from "";

GridLayout allows you to position elements in rows and columns so that they occupy whole space (GridLayout's rectangle)


Example 1

const layout = new GridLayout({
 // pattern defines how elements will be positioned
 // This pattern tells us that we have elements of id's `"a"`, `"b"` and `"c"`
 // Where `"a"` width and height spans over two units whereas each `"b"` and `"c"` width and height spans over 1 unit
 // You can think of units as proportions:
 //  - This pattern is 3 unit wide (we defined 3 elements in each row array)
 //  - in every row a is defined two times, this means it will be 2 unit wide (2/3, it will take 66.6% of the available horizontal space) and 2 units high (2/2, it will take 100% of the vertical space)
 //  - b and c are each defined one time in just one row, this means they will be 1 unit wide (1/3, they both will take 33.3% of remaining horizontal space) and 1 unit high (1/2, 50% of the vertical space)
 pattern: [
   [ "a", "a", "b" ],
   [ "a", "a", "c" ],
 // gapX defines a horizontal gap (margin) between every layouts element
 gapX: 0,
 // gapY defines a vertical gap (margin) between every layouts element
 gapY: 0,
 // Size of a GridLayout, `tui.rectangle` means we want to occupy the whole Tui's space
 rectangle: tui.rectangle,

// To make elements use layout, you need to set their rectangle as GridLayout.element(layoutId)
const buttonA = new Button({,
  rectangle: layout.element("a"),

const buttonB = new Button({,
  rectangle: layout.element("b"),

const buttonC = new Button({,
  rectangle: layout.element("c"),


GridLayout(options: GridLayoutOptions<T>)

Type Parameters

T extends string


elementNameToIndex: Map<T, number>
elements: GridLayoutElement<T>[]
gapX: Signal<number>
gapY: Signal<number>
pattern: Signal<T[][]>
rectangle: Signal<Rectangle>
totalUnitLengthX: number
totalUnitLengthY: number