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Deno 2 is finally here 🎉️
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Turbo is a micro web framework built for efficiency, leveraging Deno’s FFI and TypeScript. It aims to provide blazing fast performance and simplicity for web development. Please note that Turbo is currently under development and not ready for production use. It is currently supported only on Linux, macOS and Windows platforms.


Next level performance framework. Built for speed. Powered by Deno.

High Performance

Turbo is designed from the ground up to be incredibly fast. It achieves this by utilizing Deno’s FFI (Foreign Function Interface) to interface with a low-level C library. By harnessing the power of native code, Turbo minimizes overhead and delivers optimal performance for handling HTTP requests.

Efficient Routing

Turbo provides a streamlined routing mechanism. It allows you to define routes using a concise syntax, which consists of arrays of arrays of strings. Each route is associated with a corresponding callback function that handles the request. Turbo efficiently traverses a tree structure representing the routes, enabling quick and efficient matching of incoming requests to their respective handlers.

Lightweight and Simple

Turbo is designed to be lightweight and easy to use. It embraces the simplicity of a micro framework, providing only the essential features needed for web development. With Turbo, you can focus on writing clean and efficient code without unnecessary abstractions or bloat.

Why Choose Turbo for Speed?

Turbo offers several key advantages that contribute to its exceptional speed:

Native Code Execution
Turbo’s core functionality is implemented in a low-level C library, which is accessed through Deno’s FFI. This approach leverages the performance benefits of native code execution, allowing for highly optimized request handling.
Efficient Routing Algorithm
Turbo’s routing algorithm is specifically designed to minimize lookup time. By organizing routes in a tree structure, Turbo achieves efficient matching of incoming requests, leading to faster response times.
Streamlined Execution Flow
Turbo follows a streamlined execution flow, avoiding unnecessary overhead and computations. It focuses on the essentials, allowing your application to handle requests swiftly and efficiently.
Lightweight Design
Turbo is intentionally kept lightweight to eliminate unnecessary abstractions and reduce overhead. It provides a minimalistic set of features, ensuring that your application can run at peak performance without being weighed down by unnecessary functionality.
Please note that Turbo is still in development and not recommended for production use. It is currently supported only on Linux, macOS and Windows platforms.


To get started with Turbo, here is an example:

import {
  type Routes,
} from "";

// Define the hostname and port for the server
const HOSTNAME = "localhost";
const PORT = 8000;

// Define the routes configuration
const routes: Routes = [
  // Default route for handling not found URLs
  [({ url }) => new Response(`:: ${url} not found`, { status: 404 })],

  // Example routes
  [() => new Response("hello world!", { status: 200 }), "GET", "/hello"],
  [() => new Response("invalid request", { status: 400 }), "POST", "/invalid"],
  [() => new Response("forbidden", { status: 403 }), "GET", "/forbidden"],
  [() => new Response("not found", { status: 404 }), "GET", "/not-found"],
  [() => new Response("server error", { status: 500 }), "GET", "/error"],

// Load the Turbo library
const turbo = await load();

// Initialize the routes search tree and get the root node
const root = init(turbo, routes);

// Create the request handler using the Turbo library and routes
const handler = find(turbo, routes, root);

// Free up resources and close the Turbo library
Deno.addSignalListener("SIGINT", () => {
  free(turbo, root);

let triggered = false;

globalThis.addEventListener("beforeunload", (evt) => {
  if (!triggered) {
    triggered = true;
    free(turbo, root);

// Start the server and listen for incoming requests
await Deno.serve({ port: PORT, hostname: HOSTNAME }, handler).finished;


Turbo is released under the MIT License.


Turbo relies on the power of Deno, TypeScript, and the contributions of the open-source community. I would like to express my gratitude to all the developers who have made this project possible.