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typed-local-storage Tests Actions Status

A zero-dependency wrapper to provide type safe access to the localStorage and sessionStorage.

💾 Installation

npm install typed-local-store
# or
yarn add typed-local-store

🧑‍💻 Usage

Create a schema of your desired storage structure:

interface Schema {
  counter: number;
  message: string;
  user: {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    email: string;
    isAdmin: boolean;
  posts: string[];

Then create your storage using the defined schema:

import TypedLocalStore from 'typed-local-store';

const typedStorage = new TypedLocalStore<Schema>();

:monocle_face: API

The API of typed-local-store mimics the Web Storage API. This allows for a easy transition from using localStorage directly to using TypedLocalStore. |


The constructor can receive a options object to configure the store.

Property Required Default Description
storage: string No 'localStorage' Choose the storage type, “localStorage” or “sessionStorage”
fallbackStorage: Storage No undefined Provide a fallback storage in case localStorage and or SessionStorage are not available
ignoreMissingStorage: boolean No false Prevent error to be thrown when no storage is present.


The getItem method has three retrieval modes, whereas 'fail' is the default mode

Mode Description
'fail' If a something to be restored from the store can not be parsed by JSON.parse a error is thrown
'raw' If parsing of the retrieval value fails, the unparsed value is returned
'safe' If parsing of the retrieval value fails, null is returned


Sometimes it is desireable to not rely on the browser API ( e.g. in case of SSR). This package ships a in-memory replacement for the Web Storage API which can be used in places where the browser API is not present. It can be used alone or passed to the TypedLocalStore via the fallbackStorage option:

import TypedLocalStore, { MemoryStorage } from 'typed-local-store';

const memoryStorage = new MemoryStorage();
const typedStorage = new TypedLocalStore<Schema>({
  fallbackStorage: memoryStorage,

🛠️ Contributing

Interested in contributing? Great!

To fix a bug or add a feature, follow these steps:

  • Create a Fork of the repo
  • Create a new branch (git checkout -b your-branch)
  • Add your changes and new tests if necessary
  • Make sure all tests pass
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'feat: fantastic feature')
  • Push the branch (git push origin your-branch)
  • Create a Pull Request


The required packages to start development can be installed with

npm install
# or
yarn install

The tests can be run with

npm run test
# or
yarn test