import * as typeorm from "";
A class representation of the BSON Binary type. | |
Creates a new Change Stream instance. | |
c Code | A class representation of the BSON Code type. |
Creates a new Cursor instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly). | |
c Db | Db. |
A class representation of the BSON Double type. | |
GridFSBucket. | |
GridFSBucketReadStream. | |
GridFSBucketWriteStream | |
c Long | Long |
Creates a new MongoClient instance. | |
Mongos. | |
Create a new ObjectID instance. | |
Creates a new ReadPreference instance. | |
ReplSet. | |
Server. | |
Timestamp. |
Add a user to the database. | |
Admin. | |
Creates a new Aggregation Cursor instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly), | |
BulkWriteOpResultObject. | |
BulkWriteResult. | |
ChangeStreamOptions | |
A class representing a client session on the server. WARNING: not meant to be instantiated directly. | |
CollationDocument | |
Create a new ObjectID instance. | |
CollectionAggregationOptions. | |
CollectionBulkWriteOptions. | |
Creates a new Db instance. | |
CollectionInsertManyOptions. | |
CollectionInsertOneOptions. | |
CollectionOptions. | |
The name of the target collection. | |
CommandCursor. | |
Get the count of documents for this cursor. | |
Creates a new Db instance. | |
Creates a new Db instance. | |
Options for Db class. | |
DeleteWriteOpResultObject. | |
The callback error format for the forEach iterator method. | |
FindAndModifyWriteOpResultObject. | |
FindOneAndReplaceOption. | |
Create a FindOperatorsOrdered instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly). | |
Create a FindOperatorsUnordered instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly). | |
Remove a user from a database. | |
GeoHaystackSearchOptions. | |
GeoNearOptions. | |
GridFSBucketErrorCallback. | |
GridFSBucketFindOptions. | |
GridFSBucketOpenUploadStreamOptions. | |
Constructor for a streaming GridFS interface. | |
GridFSBucketReadStreamOptions. | |
GridFSBucketWriteStreamOptions. | |
InsertOneWriteOpResult. | |
InsertWriteOpResult. | |
The callback format for the forEach iterator method. | |
ParallelCollectionScanOptions. | |
The callback format for results. | |
MongoClientCommonOption | |
Options for MongoClient#connect method. | |
MongoCountPreferences. | |
MongodbFindOneOptions. | |
Creates an index on the db and collection collection. | |
Creates a new Mongos instance. | |
Create a new OrderedBulkOperation instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly). | |
ParallelCollectionScanOptions. | |
The MongoDB ReadConcern, which allows for control of the consistency and isolation properties of the data read from replica sets and replica set shards. | |
ParallelCollectionScanOptions. | |
Creates a new ReplSet instance. | |
Creates a new Server instance. | |
Options to pass when creating a Client Session | |
Creates a new Server instance. | |
TransactionOptions | |
Create a new UnorderedBulkOperation instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly). | |
ParallelCollectionScanOptions. | |
A MongoDB WriteConcern, which describes the level of acknowledgement requested from MongoDB for write operations. | |
Create a new WriteConcernError instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly). | |
Create a new WriteError instance (INTERNAL TYPE, do not instantiate directly). | |
WriteOpResult. |
Type Aliases
Condition. | |
WriteOpResult. | |