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A React Framework for Deno that makes it easy to create highly interactive apps that have server side rendering with file based routing for both your UI and API.
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{ "tasks": { "build": "deno run -A ../build.ts", "run": "deno run -A ./main.ts", "dev": "export APP_ENTRY_POINT=./main.ts && deno run -A --import-map=./import_map.json ../dev.ts", "test": "export APP_ENV=test && deno test -A .", "test-watch": "export APP_ENV=test && deno test -A --watch .", "check": "deno lint && deno fmt --check", "cache-reload": "deno cache --reload main.ts && deno cache --reload --import-map=./import_map.json ../dev.ts", "git-rebase": "git fetch origin main && git rebase --onto origin/main HEAD" }, "compilerOptions": { "lib": ["esnext", "dom", "dom.iterable", "dom.asynciterable", "deno.ns"], "jsx": "react-jsx", "jsxImportSource": "npm/react" }, "lint": { "files": { "exclude": ["public/build"] } }, "fmt": { "files": { "exclude": ["public/build"] } }, "importMap": "./import_map.json"}