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A URL builder library for JavaScript.
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export type ParamMap = Record<string, any>;
/** * Builds a URL using the base template and specified parameters. * * @param {String} baseTemplate a URL template that contains zero or more :params * @param {Object} params an object with properties that correspond to the :params * in the base template. Unused properties become query params. * * @returns {String} a URL with path params substituted and query params appended * * @example * ```ts * urlcat('', { id: 42, search: 'foo' }) * // -> ' * ``` */export default function urlcat(baseTemplate: string, params: ParamMap): string;
/** * Concatenates the base URL and the path specified using '/' as a separator. * If a '/' occurs at the concatenation boundary in either parameter, it is removed. * * @param {String} baseUrl the first part of the URL * @param {String} path the second part of the URL * * @returns {String} the result of the concatenation * * @example * ```ts * urlcat('', '/users') * // -> ' * ``` */export default function urlcat(baseUrl: string, path: string): string;
/** * Concatenates the base URL and the path specified using '/' as a separator. * If a '/' occurs at the concatenation boundary in either parameter, it is removed. * Substitutes path parameters with the properties of the @see params object and appends * unused properties in the path as query params. * * @param {String} baseUrl the first part of the URL * @param {String} path the second part of the URL * @param {Object} params Object with properties that correspond to the :params * in the base template. Unused properties become query params. * * @returns {String} URL with path params substituted and query params appended * * @example * ```ts * urlcat('', '/users/:id', { id: 42, search: 'foo' }) * // -> ' * ``` */export default function urlcat(baseUrl: string, pathTemplate: string, params: ParamMap): string;
export default function urlcat(baseUrlOrTemplate: string, pathTemplateOrParams: string | ParamMap, maybeParams: ParamMap = {}): string { if (typeof pathTemplateOrParams === 'string') { const baseUrl = baseUrlOrTemplate; const pathTemplate = pathTemplateOrParams; const params = maybeParams; return urlcatImpl(pathTemplate, params, baseUrl); } else { const baseTemplate = baseUrlOrTemplate; const params = pathTemplateOrParams; return urlcatImpl(baseTemplate, params); }}
function urlcatImpl(pathTemplate: string, params: ParamMap, baseUrl?: string) { const { renderedPath, remainingParams } = path(pathTemplate, params); const cleanParams = removeNullOrUndef(remainingParams); const renderedQuery = query(cleanParams); const pathAndQuery = join(renderedPath, '?', renderedQuery); return baseUrl ? join(baseUrl, '/', pathAndQuery) : pathAndQuery;}
/** * Creates a query string from the specified object. * * @param {Object} params an object to convert into a query string. * * @returns {String} Query string. * * @example * ```ts * query({ id: 42, search: 'foo' }) * // -> 'id=42&search=foo' * ``` */export function query(params: ParamMap): string { return new URLSearchParams(params).toString();}
/** * Substitutes :params in a template with property values of an object. * * @param {String} template a string that contains :params. * @param {Object} params an object with keys that correspond to the params in the template. * * @returns {String} Rendered path after substitution. * * @example * ```ts * subst('/users/:id/posts/:postId', { id: 42, postId: 36 }) * // -> '/users/42/posts/36' * ``` */export function subst(template: string, params: ParamMap): string { const { renderedPath } = path(template, params); return renderedPath;}
function path(template: string, params: ParamMap) { const remainingParams = { ...params }; const allowedTypes = ["boolean", "string", "number"];
const renderedPath = template.replace(/:\w+/g, p => { const key = p.slice(1); if (/^\d+$/.test(key)) { return p; } if (!params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { throw new Error(`Missing value for path parameter ${key}.`); } if (!allowedTypes.includes(typeof params[key])) { throw new TypeError( `Path parameter ${key} cannot be of type ${typeof params[key]}. ` + `Allowed types are: ${allowedTypes.join(', ')}.` ); } if (typeof params[key] === "string" && params[key].trim() === '') { throw new Error(`Path parameter ${key} cannot be an empty string.`); } delete remainingParams[key]; return encodeURIComponent(params[key]); });
return { renderedPath, remainingParams };}
/** * Joins two strings using a separator. * If the separator occurs at the concatenation boundary in either of the strings, it is removed. * This prevents accidental duplication of the separator. * * @param {String} part1 First string. * @param {String} separator Separator used for joining. * @param {String} part2 Second string. * * @returns {String} Joined string. * * @example * ```ts * join('first/', '/', '/second') * // -> 'first/second' * ``` */export function join(part1: string, separator: string, part2: string) { const p1 = part1.endsWith(separator) ? part1.slice(0, -separator.length) : part1; const p2 = part2.startsWith(separator) ? part2.slice(separator.length) : part2; return p1 === '' || p2 === '' ? p1 + p2 : p1 + separator + p2;}
function removeNullOrUndef(params: ParamMap) { return Object.keys(params) .filter(k => notNullOrUndefined(params[k])) .reduce((result, k) => { result[k] = params[k]; return result; }, {} as ParamMap);}
function notNullOrUndefined(v: any) { return v !== undefined && v !== null;}