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"Using statement" in JavaScript and TypeScript.
export interface Disposable { dispose(): void;}
export interface AsyncDisposable { dispose(): Promise<void>;}
type UsingObject = Disposable | { close(): void } | { unsubscribe(): void };type AsyncUsingObject = AsyncDisposable | { close(): Promise<void> } | { unsubscribe(): Promise<void>;};
export function using< TDisposable extends UsingObject | AsyncUsingObject, TResult = void,>( resource: TDisposable, func: (resource: TDisposable) => Promise<TResult>,): Promise<TResult>;export function using<TDisposable extends UsingObject, UIteratorItem>( resource: TDisposable, func: (resource: TDisposable) => IterableIterator<UIteratorItem>,): IterableIterator<UIteratorItem>;export function using<TDisposable extends AsyncUsingObject, TResult = void>( resource: TDisposable, func: (resource: TDisposable) => TResult,): Promise<TResult>;export function using<TDisposable extends UsingObject, TResult = void>( resource: TDisposable, func: (resource: TDisposable) => TResult,): TResult;export function using< TDisposable extends UsingObject | AsyncUsingObject, TIteratorItem, TResult,>( resource: TDisposable, func: ( resource: TDisposable, ) => TResult | Promise<TResult> | IterableIterator<TIteratorItem>,): TResult | Promise<TResult> | IterableIterator<TIteratorItem> { let shouldDispose = true; let result: | TResult | Promise<TResult> | IterableIterator<TIteratorItem> | undefined = undefined; try { result = func(resource);
// dispose it asynchronously if it returns a promise if (isPromise<TResult>(result)) { const capturedResult = result; shouldDispose = false; return result.finally(() => dispose(resource)).then(() => capturedResult); } else if (isIterator(result)) { shouldDispose = false; const originalNext =!; = function () { let shouldDispose = false; try { const args = Array.from(arguments); // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const iterationResult = originalNext.apply(this, args as any); if (iterationResult.done) { shouldDispose = true; } return iterationResult; } catch (err) { shouldDispose = true; throw err; } finally { if (shouldDispose) { dispose(resource); } } }; } } finally { if (shouldDispose) { const disposeResult = dispose(resource); if (isPromise<TResult>(disposeResult)) { const finalPromise = result == null ? undefined : Promise.resolve(result as TResult); if (finalPromise == null) { result = disposeResult; } else { result = disposeResult.then(() => finalPromise!); } } } }
return result!;}
const funcNames = ["dispose", "close", "unsubscribe"];function dispose(obj: UsingObject | undefined): void | Promise<void> { if (obj == null) { return; }
for (const funcName of funcNames) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any if (typeof (obj as any)[funcName] === "function") { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return (obj as any)[funcName](); } }
throw new Error("Object provided to using did not have a dispose method.");}
function isPromise<TResult>(obj: unknown): obj is Promise<TResult> { return obj != null && // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any typeof (obj as any).then === "function" && // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any typeof (obj as any).finally === "function";}
function isIterator(obj: unknown): obj is Iterator<unknown> { return obj != null && // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any typeof (obj as any).next === "function";}