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UTF-safe string operations in Deno
const regionalIndicatorPairs = /\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDDFF]\uD83C[\uDDE6-\uDDFF]/;const surrogatePairs = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/;
const graphemeClusterRegex = createScanner([], [], '');
function findSurrogateByteIndex(string: string, charIndex: number) { return scan(string, new RegExp(surrogatePairs.source, 'g'), charIndex);}
function scan(string: string, scanner: RegExp, charIndex: number) { // optimization: don't iterate unless it's necessary if (!containsGraphemeClusterGroup(string)) { return charIndex; }
let byteIndex = 0; let curCharIndex = 0;
while (true) { const match = scanner.exec(string); let nextIdx: number;
if (match) { nextIdx = match.index; } else { nextIdx = string.length; }
while (curCharIndex < charIndex) { if (byteIndex == nextIdx) { if (curCharIndex < charIndex) { curCharIndex++;
if (match) { byteIndex += match[0].length; } else { byteIndex++; } }
break; }
byteIndex++; curCharIndex++; }
if (curCharIndex == charIndex) { break; } else if (byteIndex >= string.length || !match) { return -1; } }
return byteIndex;}
function containsGraphemeClusterGroup(string: string) { return graphemeClusterRegex.test(string);}
function createScanner(graphemeClusterRegexes: RegExp[], extraSources = ['[^]'], modifiers = 'g') { let sources = [];
graphemeClusterRegexes.forEach(function (re) { sources.push(re.source); });
sources.push(surrogatePairs.source); sources = sources.concat(extraSources);
return new RegExp(sources.join('|'), modifiers);}
class UTFString { #graphemeClusterRegexes: RegExp[];
constructor(graphemeClusterRegexes: RegExp[]) { this.#graphemeClusterRegexes = graphemeClusterRegexes; }
findCharIndex(string: string, byteIndex: number): number { if (byteIndex >= string.length) { return -1; }
// optimization: don't iterate unless necessary if (!containsGraphemeClusterGroup(string)) { return byteIndex; }
const scanner = createScanner(this.#graphemeClusterRegexes); let charCount = 0;
while (scanner.exec(string) !== null) { if (scanner.lastIndex > byteIndex) { break; }
charCount++; }
return charCount; }
findByteIndex(string: string, charIndex: number): number { if (charIndex >= this.length(string)) { return -1; }
return scan(string, createScanner(this.#graphemeClusterRegexes), charIndex); }
charAt(string: string, index: number): string { const byteIndex = this.findByteIndex(string, index);
if (byteIndex < 0 || byteIndex >= string.length) { return ''; }
const characters = string.slice(byteIndex, byteIndex + 8); const scanner = createScanner(this.#graphemeClusterRegexes); const match = scanner.exec(characters);
if (match === null) { return characters[0]; } else { return match[0]; } }
charCodeAt(string: string, index: number): number { const byteIndex = findSurrogateByteIndex(string, index);
if (byteIndex < 0) { return NaN; }
const code = string.charCodeAt(byteIndex);
if (0xd800 <= code && code <= 0xdbff) { const hi = code; const low = string.charCodeAt(byteIndex + 1);
return (hi - 0xd800) * 0x400 + (low - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; }
return code; }
fromCharCode(charCode: number): string { if (charCode > 0xffff) { charCode -= 0x10000;
return String.fromCharCode(0xd800 + (charCode >> 10), 0xdc00 + (charCode & 0x3ff)); } else { return String.fromCharCode(charCode); } }
indexOf(string: string, searchValue: string, start?: number): number { if (typeof start === 'undefined' || start === null) { start = 0; }
const startByteIndex = this.findByteIndex(string, start); const index = string.indexOf(searchValue, startByteIndex);
if (index < 0) { return -1; } else { return this.findCharIndex(string, index); } }
lastIndexOf(string: string, searchValue: string, start?: number): number { let index;
if (typeof start === 'undefined' || start === null) { index = string.lastIndexOf(searchValue); } else { const startByteIndex = this.findByteIndex(string, start); index = string.lastIndexOf(searchValue, startByteIndex); }
if (index < 0) { return -1; } else { return this.findCharIndex(string, index); } }
slice(string: string, start: number, finish?: number): string { let startByteIndex = this.findByteIndex(string, start); let finishByteIndex;
if (startByteIndex < 0) { startByteIndex = string.length; }
if (typeof finish === 'undefined' || finish === null) { finishByteIndex = string.length; } else { finishByteIndex = this.findByteIndex(string, finish);
if (finishByteIndex < 0) { finishByteIndex = string.length; } }
return string.slice(startByteIndex, finishByteIndex); }
substr(string: string, start: number, length?: number): string { if (start < 0) { start = this.length(string) + start; }
if (typeof length === 'undefined' || length === null) { return this.slice(string, start); } else { return this.slice(string, start, start + length); } }
// they do the same thing substring(string: string, start: number, length?: number): string { return this.substr(string, start, length); }
length(string: string): number { // findCharIndex will return -1 if string is empty, so add 1 return this.findCharIndex(string, string.length - 1) + 1; }
stringToCodePoints(string: string): number[] { const result: number[] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { let codePoint = this.charCodeAt(string, i);
if (!codePoint) { break; }
result.push(codePoint); }
return result; }
codePointsToString(arr: number[]): string { const chars = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { chars.push(this.fromCharCode(arr[i])); }
return chars.join(''); }
stringToBytes(string: string): number[] { let result: number[] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { const byteArray = []; let chr = string.charCodeAt(i);
while (chr > 0) { byteArray.push(chr & 0xff); chr >>= 8; }
// all utf-16 characters are two bytes if (byteArray.length == 1) { byteArray.push(0); }
// assume big-endian result = result.concat(byteArray.reverse()); }
return result; }
bytesToString(arr: number[]): string { const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 2) { const hi = arr[i]; const low = arr[i + 1]; const combined = (hi << 8) | low;
result.push(String.fromCharCode(combined)); }
return result.join(''); }
stringToCharArray(string: string): string[] { const result = []; const scanner = createScanner(this.#graphemeClusterRegexes); let match;
do { match = scanner.exec(string);
if (match === null) { break; }
result.push(match[0]); } while (match !== null);
return result; }}
export const UtfString = new UTFString([]);export const UtfStringVisual = new UTFString([regionalIndicatorPairs]);