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Deprecated! UUID is part of the deno standard library
enum Deno.ErrorKind
import { Deno } from "";
const { ErrorKind } = Deno;


AddrInUse = 7
AddrNotAvailable = 8
AlreadyExists = 10
BadResource = 19
BrokenPipe = 9
CommandFailed = 20
ConnectionAborted = 5
ConnectionRefused = 3
ConnectionReset = 4
EmptyHost = 21
HttpCanceled = 33
HttpClosed = 32
HttpOther = 35
HttpParse = 34
HttpUser = 31
IdnaError = 22
Interrupted = 15
InvalidData = 13
InvalidDomainCharacter = 26
InvalidInput = 12
InvalidIpv4Address = 24
InvalidIpv6Address = 25
InvalidPort = 23
InvalidSeekMode = 38
InvalidUri = 37
NoError = 0
NotConnected = 6
NotFound = 1
OpNotAvaiable = 39
Other = 17
Overflow = 30
PermissionDenied = 2
RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase = 28
RelativeUrlWithoutBase = 27
SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl = 29
TimedOut = 14
TooLarge = 36
UnexpectedEof = 18
UnixError = 41
WorkerInitFailed = 40
WouldBlock = 11
WriteZero = 16