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This is a library that can read/write tibia .OTBM files.
import { OTBM_NODE_TYPE, OTBM_NODE_SPECIAL_BYTE } from './const.ts';import { Byt3s } from './lib/Bytes.ts';import { OTBMHouseTile } from './lib/OTBMHouseTile.ts';import { OTBMItem } from './lib/OTBMItem.ts';import { OTBMMapData } from './lib/OTBMMapData.ts';import { OTBMNode } from './lib/OTBMNode.ts';import { OTBMRootNode } from './lib/OTBMRootNode.ts';import { OTBMTile } from './lib/OTBMTile.ts';import { OTBMTileArea } from './lib/OTBMTileArea.ts';import { OTBMTown } from './lib/OTBMTown.ts';import { OTBMTowns } from './lib/OTBMTowns.ts';import { OTBMWaypoint } from './lib/OTBMWaypoint.ts';import { OTBMWaypoints } from './lib/OTBMWaypoints.ts';
export class OTBMReader extends Byt3s {
public _stack : OTBMNode[] = [];
public parse() : OTBMRootNode { this.position = 0; this._stack = [];
while (this.position < this.byteLength){ this._readNextNode(); }
if (this._stack.length !== 1){ throw new Error('Failed to parse .OTBM file.'); }else{ return this._stack[0] as OTBMRootNode; } }
public getRootNode(){ if (this._stack.length !== 1){ return this.parse(); }else{ return this._stack[0]; } }
public getMapData(){ if (this._stack.length !== 1){ this.parse(); } return this._stack[0].firstChild; }
public getTileAreas(){ if (this._stack.length !== 1){ this.parse(); }
const tileAreas = [];
if (this._stack[0].children[0] instanceof OTBMMapData){ for (const child of this._stack[0].children[0].children){ if (child instanceof OTBMTileArea){ tileAreas.push(child as OTBMTileArea); } } }else{ throw new Error('Could not locate MapData instance. (Probably due to failed .OTBM parse)'); }
return tileAreas; }
public getWaypoints(){ if (this._stack.length !== 1){ this.parse(); }
if (this._stack[0].children[0] instanceof OTBMMapData){ for (const child of this._stack[0].children[0].children){ if (child instanceof OTBMWaypoints){ return child.children; } }
return []; }else{ throw new Error('Could not locate MapData instance. (Probably due to failed .OTBM parse)'); } }
public getTowns(){ if (this._stack.length !== 1){ this.parse(); }
if (this._stack[0].children[0] instanceof OTBMMapData){ for (const child of this._stack[0].children[0].children){ if (child instanceof OTBMTowns){ return child.children; } }
return []; }else{ throw new Error('Could not locate MapData instance. (Probably due to failed .OTBM parse)'); } }
public getTiles(){ const tiles : Array<OTBMTile | OTBMHouseTile> = []; if (this._stack.length !== 1){ this.parse(); }
if (this._stack[0].firstChild instanceof OTBMMapData){ for (const child of this._stack[0].firstChild.children){ if (child instanceof OTBMTileArea){ for (const tile of child.children){ tiles.push(tile as OTBMTile | OTBMHouseTile); } } } }
return tiles; }
public getHouseTiles(){ return this.getTiles().filter((tile) => tile instanceof OTBMHouseTile); }
public getTileAt(x: number, y: number, z: number){ const tiles = this.getTiles(); for (const tile of tiles){ if (tile.realX === x && tile.realY === y && tile.z === z){ return tile; } }
return null; }
public getTopLevelItems(){ const tiles = this.getTiles(); const items = [];
for (const tile of tiles){ items.push(...tile.children); }
return items; }
private _getNextNodeStartOrEndPosition(){ let nextNodeStartOrEndPosition = -1; let previousPosition = this.position; let hasEscaped = false;
while (this.position < this.byteLength){ const byte = this.escapeReadByte();
if ((this.position - previousPosition) > 1){ hasEscaped = true; }else{ hasEscaped = false; }
previousPosition = this.position;
if ( (byte === OTBM_NODE_SPECIAL_BYTE.START && !hasEscaped) || (byte === OTBM_NODE_SPECIAL_BYTE.END && !hasEscaped) ){ nextNodeStartOrEndPosition = this.position - 1; break; } }
return nextNodeStartOrEndPosition; }
public _hasChild(){ return this.peekByte() === OTBM_NODE_SPECIAL_BYTE.START; }
public _hasSibling(){ const positionSave = this.position; this.position+=1; //Skip 0xFF (If sibling) const bool = (this.peekByte() === OTBM_NODE_SPECIAL_BYTE.START); this.position = positionSave; return bool; }
public _traverseUp(){ this.readByte(); const poppedNode = this._stack.pop(); if (this._stack[this._stack.length - 1]){ this._stack[this._stack.length - 1].children.push(poppedNode as OTBMNode); }else{ throw new Error() } }
public _readNextNode(){ const nextNodeStartPosition = this._getNextNodeStartOrEndPosition(); const nextNodeEndPosition = this._getNextNodeStartOrEndPosition();
if (nextNodeEndPosition === -1){ //Reached the end this.readByte(); return; }
this.position = nextNodeStartPosition; if (this.peekByte() === OTBM_NODE_SPECIAL_BYTE.START){ //console.log({ nextNodeStartPosition, nextNodeEndPosition }); this.readByte(); //Read 0xFE
const node = this._getNodeType(nextNodeEndPosition);
//After doing all node byte reading if (this.position !== nextNodeEndPosition){ throw new Error(`Oh no! Node parse error. Current byte position (${this.position}) is not equal to node end position (${nextNodeEndPosition}).`); } // if (nextNodeStartPosition === 26168825){ // console.log(node) // throw new Error(); // } if (node !== null){ //Add ref to parent if (this._stack[this._stack.length - 1] !== undefined){ node.parent = this._stack[this._stack.length - 1]; }
//Add ref to siblings const prevSibling = node.parent?.children[node.parent?.children.length - 1];
if (prevSibling !== undefined){ node.prevSibling = prevSibling;
//Add next sibling ref to previous sibling prevSibling.nextSibling = node; }

if (this._stack.length === 0 || this._hasChild()){ this._stack.push(node as OTBMNode); } else { this._stack[this._stack.length - 1].children.push(node); const nodeEnd = this.readByte(); //Read 0xFF node end if (nodeEnd !== OTBM_NODE_SPECIAL_BYTE.END){ throw new Error('Not end byte'); } } } }else{ if (this.peekByte() === OTBM_NODE_SPECIAL_BYTE.END){ this._traverseUp(); }else{ throw new Error(); } } }
private _getNodeType(nodeEndPosition : number) : OTBMNode | null { const type = this.readByte();
switch(type){ case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_MAP_HEADER: { const rootNode = new OTBMRootNode(); rootNode.set(this); return rootNode; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_MAP_DATA: { const mapData = new OTBMMapData(); mapData.setAttributes(this, nodeEndPosition); //Children return mapData; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_TILE_AREA: { const tileArea = new OTBMTileArea(); tileArea.set(this); //Children return tileArea; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_TILE: { const tile = new OTBMTile(); tile.set(this); tile.setAttributes(this, nodeEndPosition); //Children return tile; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_ITEM: { const item = new OTBMItem(); item.set(this); item.setAttributes(this, nodeEndPosition); //Children return item; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_TOWNS: { const towns = new OTBMTowns(); //Children return towns; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_TOWN: { const town = new OTBMTown(); town.set(this); return town; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_HOUSETILE: { const houseTile = new OTBMHouseTile(); houseTile.set(this); houseTile.setAttributes(this, nodeEndPosition); //Children return houseTile; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_WAYPOINTS: { const waypoints = new OTBMWaypoints(); //Children return waypoints; } break; case OTBM_NODE_TYPE.OTBM_WAYPOINT: { const waypoint = new OTBMWaypoint(); waypoint.set(this); return waypoint; } break; default: console.log(`Node type: ${type} is not supported yet.`); break; }
return null; }}