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Javascript/Typescript schema-based validation and sanitation
'use strict';const {fs,path,standardVersion, sv:{ coerce, gt }, utils:{execChain}} = require('./deps');const coerceVersion = () => {return coerce(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve('package.json')).toString()).version)};const dry_run_args = ['--dry-run','-d'];const isDryRun = process.argv.some((x) => dry_run_args.includes(x));let version = '';const CHANGELOG = path.resolve('');execChain([ 'rm -rf dist', 'npm run build', 'git checkout latest', `git pull origin latest`, 'npm i', 'npm run validate', 'git add .',]).then(async()=>{ version = coerceVersion();}).then(async()=>{ await standardVersion({ noVerify: true, dryRun: isDryRun, infile: CHANGELOG, });},).then(async()=>{ await execChain([`git push --follow-tags origin latest`]);}).then(() => { const newVersion = coerceVersion(); if (gt(newVersion, version) && !isDryRun) { version = 'v' + newVersion; return execChain([`gh release create ${version} -F ${CHANGELOG} -t ${version}`]); }}).then( isDryRun ? execChain([`git push --follow-tags origin latest`]) : true,).catch((err) => { console.error(`standard-version or other build step failed with message: ${err.message}`);});